Kart cruising down a main road

tantric5, Dec 16, 1:37am

lazzo, Dec 16, 1:51am
I know it's wrong. But I kinda like mischievous misbehaviour like this. :)

a18a, Dec 16, 2:15am
argh that would've sounded better on mute. looked funny though

laneyjan, Dec 16, 1:38pm
I took a photo of an old guy in Dublin riding his electric mobility scooter in peak road traffic.he did hand signals as well.maybe they dont ride on the footpath there

kazbanz, Dec 16, 3:23pm
Er um er yasee orificer.

elect70, Dec 16, 7:34pm
what about the kids thatgo downhill on thse skatethingson public roadscuttingcorners , talk about death wish .