I think you'll find it starts next July. An extra cost of $45 per annum. The price of a couple of slabs of cheap beer.
Dec 17, 4:42pm
To go up each year for three years. We need that projected budget 'surplus', eh.
Dec 17, 5:45pm
the problem is the money is not used for the actuarl thing but is throwen down the hole of this coutrys debt. the docu nz poor children not long ago explaind exactly when the county went down the gurgler , maldoon was the beginning off the end it started just before he got to power and he started digging the hole thats bigger and larger every year now.
someone has to pay for it. imagine if labour and greens get in,it would be a LOT LOT worse.
Dec 17, 6:07pm
#6- - 'Go National !' eh!
Dec 17, 6:08pm
the hole is to big we should finish the job guyforks started . kimdotcom is on the right path sue the friggen governmant so that at least some $$ get back to the comunity after, i say.
Dec 17, 6:47pm
yep !
Dec 17, 6:50pm
Yeah 3 cents a litre every year for the next three years starting July next year.
Dec 17, 7:00pm
$45.00 if you buy 10 litres a week for the year, at the maximum tax of 9 cents.
Dec 17, 8:28pm
Gummitlosingtax revenue with so manynon earners, & GST not returning expected resultssomotorist is first to get hitby extrafees . Dont be surprised if GST rises to17.5 % next year
Dec 17, 8:35pm
And the pension is going to go up how much! $45 may not sound much, but a dollar a week on this, a dollar a week on that, a dollar a week on something else, soon adds up if you are on a fixed income.
If you have already done your economising, it isn't quite so easy.
Dec 17, 9:38pm
Its not just the petrol that'll go up its everything else that goes up and they make the petrol price rise the excuse
Dec 17, 10:01pm
we already got the worlds most expensive food prices germany is 60% cheaper then nz and they got 6 euro jobs for people on the dole http://www.lidl-pageflip.com/de.html!kid=PTPAMP prices are euro just look what they pay for water and what we get ripped off for bottled water
Dec 17, 10:03pm
To be honest they are as all as bad as each other, it just depends what way you look at it.
Dec 17, 11:27pm
Thank you John Key
Dec 17, 11:38pm
Well they gotta pay for there pay rise somehow. Be ok if it actually went to the roads and they could prove it did.
Dec 18, 12:24am
Petrol rise for the peasants today, pay rise for the politicians today.
- Merry Christmas from the Beehive.
Dec 18, 1:40am
What happens when you vote a spectator Govt in, stinging motorists yet again is just a copout.Its the inflationary effect that this causes that does the real damage.
Dec 18, 6:30am
It's not the tax that pisses me off, it's their weak reasoning for it! National have TOTALLY failed. All they do is talk about getting back to surplus, yet they can't even get that right.
Dec 18, 2:03pm
I agree. Just electioneering b/s like the 170,000 new jobs. I'll never forget the smirk on Weasel Bill English's face when he talks about the surplus. He knows it's a pipe-dream.
Dec 18, 2:08pm
i just had a bad dream about this so in 3 years we will need to pay instead of 5 cent per km 13 cent per km road user charges! just immagine by how mutch they will rise the already overpriced foods in the supermarkets .
Dec 18, 3:03pm
I agree -the National Party Ministers need a slap (except Jerry Brownlee who I like :).
Dec 18, 3:43pm
given I buy 200 litres in a quiet week it might be a bit more then aye! Then there is the fact that literally everything is road freighted and so the fuel cost is built in.
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