Jayco caravans. Hi any issues common with these please looking at 2004 heritage through dealer any advice appreciated

howie69, Dec 20, 2:37am
Hi any issues common with these please! Looking at 2004 heritage through dealer. Any advice appreciated.

franc123, Dec 20, 2:51am
I wouldn't have thought so, they'rea pretty solidly built Aussie van thats clearly made to be towed long distances on demanding road surfaces, its obvious when you look at them, I'd buy one. They're not made out of plastic and cardboard with a tinfoil chassis like those vans from UK.

pickles26, Dec 20, 3:29am
Good vans some of the older aussie vans do suffer from exterior plastics becoming brittle. As the plastics are not uv stabilized. This usually ony affects lights and mounts. The electrical system is very basic. Some people complain at lack of insulation so a little colder in winter.