Is this rule still relevant! u.If you're a motor vehicle trader selling a car online by auction, you must attach to the motor vehicle, a Consumer Information Notice (CIN), in a prominent position on your listing (e.g., through a clear photo) and provide the CIN to the successful buyer.
If it is, they are few a far between!
Jul 13, 11:01pm
Yes it sure isa guy down our way was just fined $10,000 for not doing it
Jul 13, 11:03pm
d.snell That to me is a big ol question mark. My understanding is that given itis a VEHICLE being sold then there must be a cin card on the VEHICLE. I take my cues from Turners auctions and Fowles auctions who have been running online bidding on their auctions for a number of years. The customer gets the CIN card when they pick up the car. In fairness --what information displayed on the CIN card isn't clearly displayed on the TM auctions anyways.! Year/make model/milage/ engine size etc is advertised.
Ok Im havin a rough day--did the CIN replace the SIN or did the SIN replace the CIN !
Jul 13, 11:54pm
yes but it does not apply if the listing is a classified. Only if it's an auction.
Jul 13, 11:56pm
They were SIN but changed to CIN about 4-5 years ago. They are both basicly the same thing.
Jul 14, 12:05am
Cheers for that. Seems to explain it.
Sep 10, 9:51am
The sin or (supplier information notice) was replaced by the cin ( consummer information notice) same thing with a couple of extra bits of information.It has to be clearly displayed on any vehicle you are selling and a copy given to the new owner.
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