Speedo versus GPS - which is correct?

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nick91111, Dec 23, 10:29pm
Yes it does. I was talking to an engineer from Opus about the accuracy difference. On a hill, the GPS isn't as accurate as you think. Speedo's are more accurate (except for the factory over allowance readings)

meathead_timaru, Dec 24, 12:03am
Rubbish. GPS is just as accurate in any vector as it is in another in the same location.

kingfisher21, Dec 24, 12:50am
+1, so that means when I go up a hill and maintain my speed my GPS will start reading slower! Rubbish, complete rubbish.

arrithedog, Dec 24, 3:36am
Physics/maths. The GPS measures the distance you travel forwards. If you are (for example) going down a 1 in 10 hill, Then for every 100 metres you travel forward horizontally, you also travel 10 metre downwards. So while the differencce is quite small, it's enough to get you a ticket.

meathead_timaru, Dec 24, 3:50am
The entire premise of your post is incorrect.

GPS does not measure the distance going forward. It calculates displacement in 3-axis and gives the displacement divided by the time taken, and because it knows direction too, it returns velocity as speed.

If you were to move 10m forward and 10m to the right and 10m down in 1 second and the GPS only calculated once each second, the first calculation which happening to coincide with the start and finish of that move, your 'speed' would be given as 17.32m/s between the points (??? ((???(10 x 10)) x 10)), not 10m/s 'forward'.

arrithedog, Dec 24, 5:51pm

lookoutas, Dec 26, 8:10pm
Just found out today.
You can download a free GPS speedo into an iphone via an Apps - sit it in a cradle on the dash of your V8, and you're away laughing.

wizid, Dec 27, 7:16pm
whats the name of the ap

lookoutas, Dec 28, 12:39am
Shit - I don't know! I've not long progressed from analog, but I saw it in someone else's phone.