hey all. Just wondering if you know whether a car has to be registered when you trade in to a car yard!
Dec 28, 3:37am
that would be for you and the car yard to negotiate, however you are legally responsible for any licensing fee between when it ran out to the time of trade-in so they will probably lower what they offer you for it. Having a nearly new warrant alsogoes along way when talking turkey with dealers. Hope this helps
Dec 28, 3:49am
awesome cheers, we just got our warrant 20th, and reg is due 26 dec lol woops.
Dec 28, 8:30pm
A new wof and a current LICENSE label definitely helps, makes it worth more and is easier for dealer to dispose of with less expense.
Dec 28, 8:50pm
As a car dealer-I couldn't care less as long as it isn't deregistered. In my head I subtract the cost of licencing the car from the trade in figure. keep in mind Im going to do "change of ownership" so you will pay the rego owing -you'll get a bill in the mail. As someone else has said.-the WOF status does make a difference. If its due pretty soon I assume theres lots needed for a new wof and trade accordingly -a fairly fresh wof makes a difference
Dec 29, 4:36am
As long as not a dodgy WoF!!
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