The "check engine" light stays on on a mitsi I just looked at. Has apparently been doing so for 2 years or so. Is this a serious issue! seems to go ok, apparently auto electrician told seller to take the bulb out ! Will this prevent it getting a WOF! Thank you.
Jan 1, 10:55pm
what is the mitshsihitzi exactly! a GDI!
Jan 1, 10:57pm
V6 wagon, early 90's. Not GDI
Jan 1, 11:02pm
is it a mivec engine
Jan 1, 11:07pm
If its a V6 wagon from the early 90's it must be either a V3000, Magna or Diamante, none of which had either GDi or Mivec engines in a wagon.
And no, very unlikely to be terminal.
Jan 1, 11:17pm
V3000 185,000km otherwise seems fine.
Jan 1, 11:24pm
I shouldn't think you have anything to be concerned about, especially given you're looking at a car now over 20 years old. They're a good cheap old wagon.
Jan 1, 11:26pm
So it won't affect WOF !
Jan 1, 11:29pm
That is outside my area of expertise!. but i don't think so!
Calling all WOF inspectors!.
Jan 1, 11:33pm
check engine light is not a woff item
Jan 1, 11:38pm
My guess is that after "2 years or so" of the check engine light being on it is neither terminal nor a WOF issue.
Jan 1, 11:42pm
The oil light just might mean the engines stuffed. No problem.
Jan 1, 11:43pm
1. No, but you should get it looked at. 2. That's what I would do if I was going to sell the car. 3. No.
If the oil light was on for 2 years, I doubt the engine would be stuffed.
Jan 2, 12:36am
No, oil light not on. Just the "check engine" light.
Jan 2, 12:39am
Could be as simple as a faulty sensor, just drive it until its served its purpose or doesn't want to go anymore, I wouldn't be worrying about it.
Jan 2, 12:39am
Someone is trying to make their problem your problem, I wouldn't believe that story. Move on.
Jan 2, 12:56am
I don't think there will be too many cheap 20+ year old cars out there that don't have issues.
Jan 2, 1:20am
Still not particularly wise to buy something that has got an engine management issue, you'd be wanting a better explanation of the problem than whats been given. But hey if people want to blow their money on something that they knew was faulty then go ahead.
Jan 2, 4:17am
OK, so it's not cheap, not a popular model, and I'm not mechanically inclined. So I take on board your comments and will walk away. Thank you all you knowledgeable peops.
Jan 2, 4:20am
nanu nanu
Jan 2, 9:58pm
The funny thing about check engine lights is that they make a big fuss about benign things like a oxy sensor that went out of range for a split second, but won't tell you that a rod is about to go through the block.
Jan 3, 2:20am
They make a big fuss because they are required to in some places.In emissionally anal places like California its actually an offence to operate a vehicle with certain types of engine management problems.We will one day live in a world where electronics will be able to completely compensate for thestupidness, ignorance and neglect of drivers towards their machinery but it hasn't happened yet.
Jan 3, 2:49am
Could always reconnect the speedo. That will make it go out
Jan 3, 4:20am
! Surely if the speedo was disconnected it wouldn't work! OP didn't say speedo not working.
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