Correct oil filter for pulsar.

kazbanz, Jan 4, 10:34pm
Hey guys I'm halfway through an oil change in a Year 2000 Nissan Pulsar 1600. -Ive misplaced my Filter book.
Memory says the correct filter is a Z436 but its fitted with a Z101
Can anyone confirm -as the 436 is half the size of the 101
--arggnever mind--its a z145a

twink19, Jan 4, 10:42pm
some Pusars did have the Z101 fitted

jmma, Jan 4, 10:45pm
You got it kaz, Z145A on Ryco site and its tea time (o:

johnf_456, Jan 4, 10:51pm
Indeed it is a Z145a i remember seeing it in the catalog, we have a 97 pulsar in the fleet we got from Millars.

Still going strong.

mugenb20b, Jan 5, 1:15am
Z101 and Z145A are basically the same, just a different size can.