Gadgit / 3S-FE / Spark Tubes Filling With A/Freeze

zephyrheaven, Jan 6, 6:31pm
Hi mate, got a curly one here:

Tidy 150k Corona 3SFE never been overheated / well serviced kiwi new etc, young fella did his mum a favour new spark plugs & changed antifreeze

Since then every few days or so #2 plug tube fills with green antifreeze (had convinced myself it was moisture till the green became obvious) but.I cant get it to come out of the combustion chamber / comp & leakdown is pretty good & it does not overheat.

I will start pulling the head off in a few days I guess - but talking to local dealership (I get on good with parts dept) it is pretty hard to get AF into that area!
My Engine guy says its pretty bizarre too as there isnt anything around there to leak

Started thinking spark plug wound into the head on the wrong angle & cracked water jacket but thread is perfect
Any info / maybe you've struck it too / or a headcut pic appreciated LOL

gadgit3, Jan 6, 7:03pm
That sounds like a nice head ache for the start of the new year lol.
Can't say I have come across it. Seen plenty leaking oil in from the lower tube pressings but never coolant. There has to be an internal crack toward the lower part of the spark tube.

toyboy3, Jan 6, 7:36pm
I have had that problemon the same engine, australianbuilt carbut it was number 3 cylinder .I cut the seal off the top of the plug lead to allow moisture to evaporate
gave the engine a bottle of irontite and sent the car away . car is still going 2 months now

intrade, Jan 6, 7:52pm
the ones i fixed had just oil leaking out of every spot that could possible leake

mrfxit, Jan 6, 8:20pm
Mmm possibility's .

Cracked water jacket around the plug hole area
Leaking water pipe which drips on to the head in that area (but only at certain temps)

Test plug end rubbers for water tightness in to sparkplug tubes

llortmt, Jan 6, 8:39pm
Remove spark plug and look down plug tube (with camera if necessary) while pressure testing the cooling system and watch for leak.

gmphil, Jan 6, 10:12pm
Thats a weird one had theoil prob like intrade never stuck the coolant their tho must be cracked sumwheres

zephyrheaven, Jan 6, 10:57pm
Not plug lead problem - ta tho
Had a camera down it for yonks (go-pro best workshop investment ever - chuck it on- drive it / see problem = win) with nothing
Im certain its a water jacket now, even if there isnt one close to that thread lol

msigg, Jan 6, 11:03pm
With any luck could be just seeping out the side of the head when engine cools, if it was mine I would use it and keep an eye on it , topping up if needed ,before pulling the thing to bits, chances are it will rust up and should seal. This has happened to an old time motor of mine, the new coolant will findweak areas. Take the pressure of when leaving it at night see if it makes any difference. Go from there. Good luck.

kazbanz, Jan 6, 11:23pm
Yep came in dry az a bone and left yours as you describe>after awl mate an engine that doesn't leak aint a real engine. :-)

kazbanz, Jan 6, 11:25pm
Is there a water jacket near to that plug so overtightening might cause a crack into the jacket!

zephyrheaven, Jan 6, 11:27pm
I asked them to do that
They want it 'right'
Im a bit torn - if I dont 'fix' it they will take it to someone who will really take them to the cleaners

Might leave it a few more days, mind you I gave them 3 weeks over xmas to think about it

Trust me, I dont pull things down without reason - didnt get here doing that

msigg, Jan 6, 11:41pm
Yea thats the thing if its yours then you can do what you want, if the client said fix it, well its there money, so you will have to be very methodical to find the problem area.

mrfxit, Jan 6, 11:55pm
Chuck a can of Irontite in it & run it for a few days.
Certainly won't hurt apart from the cost & MAY sort it.

kazbanz, Jan 7, 12:04am
Do Wot!
If you are a mate wqorking on the car for free yea maybee but a professional mechanic has the CGA etc to worry about.

johnf_456, Jan 7, 12:25am
If it was a old wreck and the owner did it possibly yes! But for a qualified mechanic I would not recommend doing that

mrfxit, Jan 7, 2:02am
Kaz & John.
The point was to help pin point the real problem.
Either that or do a cleaning flush & see if the leak gets worse

Ideas need airing to be able to find the best mix to deal to the problem.
It appears to me to be either a patch up ormake it leak properly job at this point seeing as it's alluded the op so far.

Either way, it's a bit hard to call up a correct solution without 'seeing' the vehicle in person on this job.

1 more point .a lot of pro engine reconditioners often recommend the edition of Irontite to a freshly rebuilt engine, can't be that bad a solution if they recommend it.

Personally . Patch it & keep an eye on it / make it fail properly & then fix it or start replacing bit's that most likely don't need doing.
Seems to be a pretty big guessing game on this job.

zephyrheaven, Jan 7, 2:55am
Not really guessing is it
The cylinder head is the target after all
I was simply after info from gadgit on the design of the head - thanks for the input anyway
Case closed.

zephyrheaven, Jan 7, 2:55am
I was after info from gadgit on the design of the head - thanks for the input anyway
Case closed.

gadgit3, Jan 7, 12:42pm
Hay Zeph. I studied some books last night after I closed the workshop. There is a water jacket that could come close from the centre of the head. It would need to be cracked to enter the spark tubes and can only enter #2 and #3. I would say if the custy wants the job done right then it's a head replacment.