AU Falcon stereo removal. Howzit can someone tell me how to remove the panel that the stereo sits in please l have a aftermarket
Jan 16, 12:51am
Howzit. Can someone tell me how to remove the panel that the stereo sits in please. l have a aftermarket head deck in it, but want to swap it for another one, but cant remove the panel. l have taken the screws out of the ash tray, and have tried too pry the panel out, but just dont want to force it, as its in there pretty good
Jan 16, 1:22am
You need a tool that goes in the four holes on the front panel, or you can make one out of a coathanger or similar sized steel rod.
Jan 16, 1:33am
OP said he already has aftermarket stereo so won't need that. Does it have a one piece unit ie stereo surround and tray underneath! If so a lot will just pop out , no screws.
Jan 16, 1:51am
Yup, it has a tray, looks like it was pro installed. Been trying to google but nothing on how to actually remove the panel, just says pry out from its clips, dunno bout that one
Jan 16, 1:53am
Could you upload a pic of what part of the surround you are trying to remove!
Jan 16, 2:26am
Just the oval shaped panel that the stereo and air/heater is located
Jan 16, 3:19am
Is it a series 1 AU! Theres no reason why you should need to take that panel off
Jan 16, 4:04am
2000 xr6, and seams to be the only way to get to the aftermarket stereo
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