If V8 Superscars are slow then

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splinter67, Feb 8, 3:03pm
And what do you race bill! Mobility scooter racing going well for ya is it

bill-robinson, Feb 8, 4:03pm
me, I amretired race car builder and engineer, sitting and watching the modern lot with thier same spec cars trying to do the impossible. ( that is race and pass)
You race a (insert dream)!

splinter67, Feb 8, 4:08pm
Ex stockcar soon as its finished dragracer

bill-robinson, Feb 8, 4:15pm
late starter, I won port road sprint back in the 70's as for dirt try 500+hp, 4wd, 850 kgs, slicks on a wet muddy rallycross track. car i built won british rallycross GP in the 80's.

hpaul, Feb 8, 4:32pm
Bit harsh Bill - catch a race of V8 Supercars with their same spec cars and tell me they don't race door to door, wing mirror to wing mirror and often beyond.

Nothing against rallycross, brilliantly crazy sport, but there's still great racing going on in other series.

bill-robinson, Feb 8, 4:34pm
I should add the rallycross car held the outright record at Reading speedway in the UK. was 0.2 seconds quicker than the bikes.

austingtir, Feb 8, 7:08pm
Yeah maybe door to door and bumper to bumper but they dont seem to move past each other at a huge rate.Face it its pretty boring to watch.

gman35, Feb 8, 8:04pm
Yep , that's what I am trying to say , AND they all look the same !
If they just had one other (slightly slower) class in the same race (even same brands but with their normal HSV/FPV spoilers and narrower tyres!) , that may bring back the "will they or won't they get held up before the next straight etc" excitement.I will then be the first to watch "V8 Supercars Plus".

hpaul, Feb 8, 8:12pm

It's edge of the seat stuff!

You chaps must be watching a different race series to me.

There's non-stop action AND no end of passing in V8 Supercars.

elect70, Feb 8, 8:29pm
V8sc are a businessfirst , they had to change from group Ato get sponsors /spectators/ tv coveras it was dying .The productionmythwore off& only those with thefatest cheque books could afford to continue. Theemphasis switch from make todriver.& the results speak for themselves. . Now if we could geta teams raceof SCvsSTthat would be fun . butwont happenasMSNZ still trying to prop up theV8 series,be gone next year.

aktow, Feb 9, 6:44am
i am so over supercars,, it's so boring now. i like watching the ferrari, lambo's and other high performance race cars. i like when ferrari gets beaten by a nissan, or a lambo screams past a nissan. the next race the opposite could occur,, either wayyou never know who's going to win.

rustihammer, Feb 9, 12:34pm
If we had decent TV coverage in NZ I would probably watch it.The best thing for F1 was sky getting the rights.No bloody ads in the middle of the race or dopey presenters.TV3's coverage of V8 Supercars is disgraceful.

splinter67, Feb 9, 2:02pm
This is a funny thread to all you guys saying that supercars are rubbish dont watch them, and youll be happy or are you just a bunch of moaning old gits that have nothing better to do than moan on the internet
Now for all of you saying supercars should do this and that stump up some money and start your own series and lets see how you get on bet ya it will never get off the ground

gadgit3, Feb 9, 2:43pm
I would have to disagree with that statement. And so will all the teams that just built new cars. I wouldn't think Aussi drivers would jump on a plane every few weeks to drive the series if it was dead. And if you have a good chat to the team owners of the ST's there are a good chunk of them that are struggling to keep their cars on the track due to the cost of breakages (engine, diff ect) The TLX cars will have a slow season this year as most or the cars are still being built, but it will be a good season next year. And the second Camry is not far from finished.

splinter67, Feb 9, 2:46pm
How is the camry going its racing at manfeild this weekend

gadgit3, Feb 9, 2:55pm
I haven't called the boys yet this weekend been too busy fishing lol. But I also haven't had any phone calls to grab gear and get to the track for repairs so all must be good haha.

scarey65, Feb 9, 3:21pm
i didnt think people became x stockcars racers
is there a cure

splinter67, Feb 9, 3:25pm
No there isnt if I could afford another (time and money) I would be straight back in there spent the last 2 nights watching the teams champs awesome racing

scarey65, Feb 9, 3:36pm
those money trees are sometimes hard to find !

the teamsn racing was awesomes !

hopefully one day youll be back on the dirt

nothing like it anywhere.and we know theresNO CURE

splinter67, Feb 9, 4:53pm
Hmm watching the bathurst 12 hour at the moment 3 cars going past everything else cool but when the supercars where on at bathurst I wasn't on here posting I was watching because it was exciting

austingtir, Feb 9, 6:23pm
Bathurst is worth a watch the rest of the series. better things to do with my time.

serf407, Feb 9, 10:26pm

timmo1, Feb 10, 1:16am
.according to V8 Supercars

serf407, Feb 10, 4:21am
Line finish results at Bathurst.
Top Three Result: ok-ish result for the kiwis.

B.Schneider/A.Roloff/T.Jaeger ??

bill-robinson, Feb 10, 4:49pm
Sorry I do not have any photos.car can be seen on you tube it is the STP G4 escort of John Welch. Lots of articles and tests in the magazines ot the day.