Do you get service papers when car is serviced?

poohbearfan3, Feb 10, 4:05pm
When you get a warrant, you get given the warrant papers.I'm just wondering if you get any type of service papers when your vehicle has been serviced saying what has been done etc!I ask because I've brought new wheels and part of the agreement was a service, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been serviced.If it has been, should they have a record they can give me!And if it hasn't been, is it okay to ask for this!

kazbanz, Feb 10, 5:18pm
Yes you get an itemised receipt

mopsy3, Feb 10, 6:03pm
You can ask but it should have a service sticker on the windscreen. why do you think it hasnt been done!

poohbearfan3, Feb 10, 7:18pm
Thank you both.
I don't think it's been done because (a) there is no sticker on the window; and (b) the power steering fluid is near empty and (c) the oil doesn't smell like new oil.
I feel a bit of a nag asking them to do this but they were meant to do it.
And I'm worried they'll just stick a sticker on and say it's been done when it hasn't!

mopsy3, Feb 10, 8:32pm
Defintiely chase them up then. But alot of people call an oil and filter change a service so they may have misunderstood you. But chase them up and ask for proof. Sounds fishy.

desmodave, Feb 10, 8:36pm
(b) the power steering fluid is near empty and
I would be wanting to know where the fluid has gone.