Can cops in mufti cars

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msj23, Mar 12, 3:00am
pul up alongside you at the lights, rev their engines and egg you on to drag them and then pull you over for speeding and reckless driving as soon as you tear off at the green!

bumfacingdown, Mar 12, 3:01am
If yer silly enough

rob_man, Mar 12, 3:01am
Wow. Deja vu.

msj23, Mar 12, 3:08am
Man that would be low of them

stevel_knievel, Mar 12, 3:19am
Wouldn't you see their uniforms!

xs1100, Mar 12, 3:20am
wouldnt you get all serious and hard and rev it like anything and then putt off like a little old lady.

msj23, Mar 12, 3:24am
What if they were wearing AC/DC shirts over their vests!

grangies, Mar 12, 3:26am
Are you answering your first post!

Or have you buggered up and forgot to log in as another username!

msj23, Mar 12, 3:27am
I just got excited

treachug, Mar 12, 3:28am
Why would it be low! What sort of mufti was it!
Was it the really hard to recognise poverty pack Commodore with the giveaway rectangle boxes containing red & blue lights on the dash & on the rear parcel tray!

neville48, Mar 12, 3:33am
Well.did ya beat him or not !

matthew111, Mar 12, 3:35am
it takes two cars to race.

xs1100, Mar 12, 3:41am
hahaha not allowed badge has to be showingand the real mufti cops dont bother with traffic infringments unless really bad

neville48, Mar 12, 3:42am
I dont understand the placement of this comment and. you can race against the clock and/or do a bye run.1 car.

skin1235, Mar 12, 3:44am
lol, had a cop pull that on me back in the late 60's, on a bike, I was young and silly, he was on a triumph fully kitted cop bike, me on an ariel 650, he beat me and I was actually trying hard, took the next turn left and thought I'd got away with it, he knew of me well enough to be waiting at home that night, ( most wanganui cops knew me -dunno why) gave me a lecture and we spent an hour or so tuning my bike to perform better next time

msj23, Mar 12, 4:01am
I was scared. The cop was really angry

outbidyou2, Mar 12, 6:20am
Whats so special about a rfrb legacy with 230k on the clock!

A GTB with no rfrb might be somewhat


gedo1, Mar 12, 1:57pm
Did this happen!

footplate1, Mar 12, 1:58pm
Not universally true - Tamaki DRive is a mufti-magnet. Particularly near the OBC.

skin1235, Mar 12, 2:09pm
common misconception, like the one where they had to be wearing their hat ( back when traffic poilice had hats as part of uniform) or they cannot stop you if they are off duty ( they can and will if it warrents it)
there is no regulation that badge or hat or uniform at all has to be visible - although you have always had the right to ask to see thir warrent if approached by them - and they will always carry that - even when off duty, if they do not or will not produce it you can drive off
your defence is that they failed to identify themselves as an officier

spead, Mar 12, 4:25pm

next-to-normal, Mar 12, 6:00pm
they only race for a 1 km these days then its your cue to crash

bigfatmat1, Mar 12, 7:31pm
yes numorous times when cops (detectives) have approached me they have pulled their id out of the pocket and flipped it open like in the movies

elect70, Mar 12, 9:47pm
If your stupid enough to take the baitit serves you right , old trickyoung rookies play .Like when theycruise at95 in slow lane just waiting for you to pass at100+ &nab ya

socram, Mar 12, 10:10pm
There was the husband and wife traffic cops we met at a BBQ years ago.She thought it was really cool to wear a bright pink jacket, egg someone on to race, then stop them, discarding the pink jacket as she got out of the car to book them.