RB25det problem. Bit of a long story but here we go motor needed a water pump so i changed the water pump i took the necessary p
Mar 4, 11:00pm
Bit of a long story but here we go. Motor needed a water pump so I changed the water pump. I took the necessary precautions with the timing belt, marked the cams and crank E.T.C. I threw her all back together and she started perfect after sorting out water pooling by the coils. Anyway after two days of running i came over a speed bump (faster than normal admittedly) and it cut out, I did a diagnostic and it found a fault in the cam angle sensor. My symptoms are similar to what others have said a faulty cam angle will do (will turn over but not fire, loud backfire and when it does start it stalls out). I checked my markings on the timing to see if it had slipped. The cam marks I made line up but am wondering if a slip at the crank might do this. Anyone have any ideas before I tackle this with my wallet! Cheers
Mar 4, 11:46pm
I'm sure a slip at the crank may cause that and as it is the smaller pulley it is the more likely slip point in my opinion.Your cam timing marks would normally be at TDC so put the crank to TDC and see if the cam marks line up, if they do it's unlikely to be a slip. Did you put on a new belt! If they are an interference motor and the timing is out enough you may feel the valves hitting when turning it over by hand with plugs out. Don't forget there are 2x TDCs if it doesn't line up on the first roll it around again.
Mar 5, 1:48am
I installed the belt while at tdc. And yup i think it is a iterference motor. Is there a particular trick into installing a a angle sensor other than the one way it slots in
Mar 5, 2:32am
Nope, cam angle sensor will only go in the one way, if its in its in. Sounds to me like a plug somewhere - possibly on the CAS, try removing it, tweaking the female terminals so they are tight and make sure they are nice and shiny.
Mar 5, 3:20am
had a proble mwith a mates car did same thing. the cover has a rubber seal and should have 3 metal spacers. my mates cover had lost 1 spacer so the sensor was OTP and over time wore out the spline and snpped. easy enough to replace cam and sensor.
Mar 10, 11:28pm
So i went to start it since 3 weeks ago. Started fine as if nothing was wrong but after about 10 min of driving it stalled out again. Tried three cam angle sensors, a diffrent ecu and another afm and she still stall out. Some times it will start fine the switch off other times it wont fire over at all. But my ecu did stall out a other skyline i had been swapping parts off. Any ideS :O
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