Navara or Rodeo ute, any stories about these?

hamhonda, Mar 5, 9:08pm
Looking at upgrading my old D21 Navara to maybe a 2000-2005 Navara or Holden Rodeo.Have been told to try to avoid the 2.5 diesel Navara, anybody had good or bad runs with these.Also looking at a 2002 3litre diesel Rodeo

the_chooky, Mar 5, 10:30pm
We run a small fleet of Navara's most of them 2.5 turbo's.
Mine has done 275000 kms and some are over 300thou.We've never had an engine or any mechanical problem with any of them.
Mine uses no oil between service, goes like a rocket and will still drag off a V8 holden.
Don't know why anyone would tell you to avoid them, unless they're trying to sell you a VW.

mugenb20b, Mar 5, 10:34pm
Out of those two, I'd get the Rodeo. Navara's 2.5 litre diesels start giving problems after 250k, mainly with timing chains stretching.

Have a look at Mitsubishi Tritons and Ford Rangers / Mazda Bounties too.

andy61, Mar 5, 10:35pm
I think its the 3.0 litre diesel you avoid with the Navaras.

xs1100, Mar 6, 2:34am
only the real early ones eg pre 2003 andy61

r15, Mar 6, 4:35am
I don't think enough of the 3 litre have even been sold in nz for anyone to make claims to how the engines last.

hamhonda, Mar 6, 8:51pm
Ok, I was told it was the 3.2 that there wasnt many of sold before the 3L one came out.Been told the 3.2 is a beefed up version of the TD-27 and is pretty strong, but the 2.5 is a bit of a dud.And the 3L Rodeo is pretty good to,

trader_84, Mar 6, 9:08pm
I got told the 4JH1TC was the pick of the bunch due to it being a child of Isuzu and that it was a direct injection unit amidst a sea of indirect injection motors.

xs1100, Mar 7, 1:47am
really ask some of the warrenty companies about the early zd30 motor common in a lot of nissan navaras,terranos,pathfinders and safaris

mm12345, Mar 7, 5:42pm
Any stories!
My BIL bought a new 2.5l Navara D40 in 2009, serviced to schedule exclusively by Nissan dealer.The cam chain pooped itself at 120,000km, and it needed a new engine @ > $15k.After a battle, Nissan eventually agreed to replace it at their cost.Buying second-hand, you'd be up shite creek.
As for the earlier 3 litre ZD30, google "ZD30 hand grenade" for further information before spending a cent.

robnob78, Mar 7, 8:05pm
Stay away from QD32 navaras Gutless Guzzlers YD25 navaras 04ish onwards are good, and rodeos I think are underpowered till 07+

bashfulbro, Mar 7, 8:31pm
Have owned 4 , 1998--2003,2.8 turbo Rodeos, all excellent, all did well in excess of 500,000 kms, ,the only majorproblem was an injector nozzle,at 498000 on one of them.

The later model Rodeos, 3.0 litre engines, 2006 and 2007 have had two of them, both have done well over600,000 kms, one of them had catalytic converter fixed at 110,000 kms nothing else, both still drive very nicely.
They all were serviced at 10,000 kms without fail, and that is the key to it all.
None of them were used for towing, and all were manuals.
Years earlier, we ownedseveral 2.7 Navaras, they also did more than 500,000kms, mostly trouble free,but were a bit gutless.

monaro17, Mar 7, 8:34pm
Yes the non-turbo QD32 engines are slow and gutless, but the turbo versions are absolutely fine- plenty of power and speed. DO NOT touch a ZD30 version, they are bad news.

hopie, Mar 7, 8:54pm
doubt that.

robnob78, Mar 7, 9:46pm
my old man bought a Turbo QD32 and its just as gutless.
the YD25s go good and are good on gas. and ive heard about the ZD30 motors alright haha

monaro17, Mar 8, 3:58am
I wonder why that is. Was it a manual! The qd32eti turbosin the terranos were (at the time -mid 90s) the most powerful and fastest in there class. I owned one years ago and it was not at all underpowered. I then got a zd30 terrano and soon on sold it for obvious reasons