Just wondering, does anyone know (or themselves) of any rangers with a diesel chip! and what sort of gains they got! they obviously go awesome, but would like a bit more pull when towing the boat away up hills etc
Mar 5, 2:37am
i bought 3 racechips from germany, 1 for my mondeo and it makes a huge difference on the hills with the increase in torque. also got 1 for my dads mercedes motorhomeand 1 for mates hyundai iload (same awesome results). i get better economy (1100kms/tank on a trip with 4 ppl and aircon) and more power for towing a trailer. cost about $350 landed each. have owned for about 6 months with no problems.
Mar 5, 3:03am
I've only done chip upgrades on Toyota Hilux 4WDs as well as an exhaust upgrade from the turbo back. A combination of both has made a huge difference to them, more power and torque, not sure about fuel economy (wasn't my vehicle). What this will do to injectors is anyone's guess.
Mar 5, 6:34pm
awesome! looking at one from ecuchips the magnum series, meant to give around another 100nm or torque,cant afford the exhaust at this time, ill save up when I cant go and waste my money fishing so often haha
Mar 5, 11:16pm
I'm an auto electrician - some older chips fail but a new one should see you right for some time. Heard lots of people quote HP increases but no Dyno sheets to back this up. I imagine you would get a SMALL power increase accompanied by a similar amount of lost economy. You don't get power without fuel, and I don't believe anybody who tells me they can buy a $300 chip and get better performance AND economy then a multi billion dollar car company can. They spend millions trying to find the best balance of power and economy, I'm sure if they could make their OWN$60,000 cars run faster and cheaper for $300, they would haha
They have 280 lb-ft of torque from the factory. You're looking at a wrong engine, country, website.everything.
Mar 6, 12:34am
Lucky we have more than one Toyota Hilux (or a Ford Ranger) here in NZ. Dyno sheets. All we did was use a stock ute and a chipped one (before the exhaust upgrade) and drove them side by side up a hill and swapped drivers to confirm the results. The chip cost $1000. Once the chip is installed, the warranty goes out the window, maybe that's why the manufacturer didn't fit them to all their vehicles!
Mar 6, 12:50am
Fair call - too hasty to find what I was looking for! Anyways, warranty wouldn't be an issue if installed from factory - they don't do it because they feel they have the best compromise of power and economy to meet the market. I had a chipped ecu in my turbo rotary. It made it run rich to counter extra boost and removed boost / Rpm limits. A later Ecu may end up with an improved map but I still doubt 100nm extra, and I would really dispute anyone who tells me they have improved power AND economy. Side note - In alot of cases now, a chipped ECU is a software upgrade rather then a physical chip. I would assume this would allow the most changes from factory. More basic examples are just interuption kits which plug in between the ECU and its main plug. All these do is alter the input signals the ECU receives. Theres no way in my mind, the best results can come from an ECU thats not even logging REAL data
Mar 6, 1:08am
Sorry to hijack thread,,,, Wondering if anyone has used those flash tunes on a bf falcon
Mar 6, 1:11am
Having said all that - for the PRICE your still doing ok. Thinking about it, the G4 link on my V8, has a retail of around 2ground, would cost around $1200 to install and maybe another grand to tune (although I did it and used a base map). So I have been harsh on ships cos I hear all the claims but they can be good value for money. Just dont claim they change the world lol
Mar 6, 2:41am
i wouldhave to disagree the car maker needs to factor in reliability and multiple operating climates as well as power and economy
Mar 6, 3:19am
Friend has an '07 BT50 and has a remapped computer in his one - definately more power/torque but dunno bout fuel economy. Having said that it just blew the head gasket which also included a cracked head and 3 cracked pistons! Admittedly he tows a race trailer (3 tonne +) all round the country but still! Done 160k
Mar 6, 7:38pm
oh bugger haha im only towing around 1.5tonnes and normally not too far, they have supposedly 380nm factory.
the ones im looking at plug into the injector looms, not a ecu remap so ecu remains intact. in theory for warrently you could just remove it haha. Fuel economy isnt a big deal these are awesome on gas. just want more power :D
Good to hear of people with bt50/rangers though. they seem good so far except the rust problem :s
Mar 6, 9:32pm
I can show you dyno sheets for ECU Chips fitted to Hilux and DP Chips. We fit them to Landcruiser D4D V8 also and can say you will get alot better fuel econ form having them chipped as long as you drive it the same as you did before it was chipped as you dont need to push the engine as hard to get to the speed you are trying to get to. we see a 200km difference in one of the Cruisers. He was getting 800km to a tank and now getting 1000kms
Mar 7, 2:02pm
sounds promising, I get 700km to a tank atm (seems to use more since my speedo stopped working)
I will be buying one soon and will let you guys know how it went.
Mar 7, 2:16pm
Does the ranger go into limp mode when the speedo is disconnected! this could be the reason its using more fuel. My hyundai van did this
Mar 7, 2:50pm
Most diesels are built to produce much more power than when they roll out the factory door. They are however detuned from factory to ensure reliability.
Aftermarket chips simplly unleash some of what yhe engine was already capable of.
Late model tractors for example have huge performance gains and significant fuel consumption improvements from aftermarket tunes.
Mar 7, 3:28pm
Not a full on limp mode, it still runs revs pulls etc as per normal. the guage seems to jump up and down a bit when low on fuel.
and the a/c stops working after about 10km at 100kph. apart from that you wouldnt know. ive got a cheap scan tool to check my check engine light every so often to ensure I dont have any codes coming up.
another $10 per 1000km seems better then $50 for RUC haha.
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