Clunking noise when braking

josculpturer, Mar 2, 8:55pm
2001 Galant has just passed testing station warrant last week, but has now started to 'clunk' once when coming up to a stop. Any ideas on what it could be!

mrfxit, Mar 2, 9:04pm
Loose brake pads or worn pads that are now too short for the caliper slots.
Got this with a brand new set of after market pads.
About to sneak a spot of weld on to the ends & grind too match the slots

therafter1, Mar 2, 9:07pm
Cheap near enough is good enough aftermarket disc pads slopping up and down in their calliper mounts.

That's the easy answer, the other answer is that potentially the calliper itself, or the calliper mount has worked itself loose for some reason, so worthwhile either checking it, or having them checked.

Back to the first answer. If you move forward and apply the brakes and it clunks, and then move forward and apply brakes a second time and it doesn't clunk, it is probably the pads slopping up and down. Likewise if you reverse and apply, and then reverse and apply again, then go forward and apply and see if they clunk again.

therafter1, Mar 2, 9:08pm
Hey, not fair, my reply took longer for me to type with my two fat fingers lol

mrfxit, Mar 2, 10:07pm

My fingers not as FAT as your's '-)


BUt yea. longer better answer