Just wondered who has the right of way on a driveway.When I came home tonight I got pass the S bend on my steep drive and a car started coming down.The driver just started to try and shunt me back down waving at me to start backing.I stopped and he got out and he said just back down the driveway - I said theres a drop at the bend but if he backed it was just straight backwards.He said it was impossible to back up a hill like that!finally I backed slowly down - but I hate feeling intimidated.I have never struck this before - what is the rule for a driveway!
Mar 1, 2:51am
in the old days, down hill always gave way
Mar 1, 2:52am
There probably isn't one but I note in the road code it "recommends" that on a narrow hill the car going downhill should give way.
Mar 1, 2:53am
Snap twink.
Mar 1, 2:54am
errm."downhill gives way" might apply when it's a one way section, like a bridge, but not so sure it makes so much sense where one of you has to reverse.
Kind of irrelevant though, who's driveway WAS this!
Mar 1, 2:55am
That was the "rule" when I lived in Wellington, but when you have a plonker.
Mar 1, 2:56am
Fun in the rain with directionals, heck I've had to do it in the dry and struggled to get purchase.
Mar 1, 3:03am
Thanks for your responses - the driveway serves three properties so I own a third - I think this driver is a new tenant so no doubt I will be seeing him around again :(
Mar 1, 3:23am
A mate last week got a $120 fine for reversing out from his driveway.
Mar 1, 3:44am
There are no driving rules on private property.
Mar 1, 3:59am
He said the law says the person who has to back, back up a hill has right of way over a person who can reverse backwards, back down the hill He was pretty adamant!
Mar 1, 4:13am
On our one its the one pulling in to the driveway to let the upcoming one come out, unless you are already 1/2 way down
Mar 1, 4:15am
Biggest car wins (o:
Mar 1, 4:27am
OK he's a neighbour, so no doubt keep it friendly, but next time you meet, get him to show you this magical piece of a law. Here's the road user rule as a starter:
Thanks for the advice smac and all the comments - yes he did have a much bigger vehicle than me!
Mar 1, 12:08pm
Ahh, so what he doesn't want you to know, Is that he cannot control his vehicle. Probably best to give him a wide berth.
Some people get funny "rules" in their heads. There were cases of people who thought that the new give way rule applied to roundabouts!
Mar 1, 12:52pm
Doing a reverse hill start might be challenging for a an inexperienced driver in a manual transmission vehicle I guess. He may have a point.
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