We just had an accident.

jason18, Feb 23, 9:27pm
Just front bumper and light pushed in. Do panel beaters repair plastic bumpers or is it just replaced with a new one now days! Its on an 09 wingroad. Not huge damage but has pushed and grazed the bumper up pretty good. Haven't had an accident for about 15 years

tmenz, Feb 23, 9:53pm
Yep, there are specialist bumper repairers - panel beaters remove the bumpers and send them off to be fixed, then send them to their favourite painters for finishing!

dasfi, Feb 24, 2:32am
Or the decent ones plastic weld them, prime paint and refit them, do the whole job, dont know what backyard panelbeaters you have been to

gammelvind, Feb 24, 2:39am
Most bumpers are repaired these days unless too badly damaged. I presume you are getting it repaired under insurance, let them sort it.

jason18, Feb 24, 1:05pm
Yeah sure am.Cheers guys

hopie, Feb 24, 4:23pm
they weigh up the cost of repairing and purchasing a 2nd hand unit. which ever is the least they take that route and charge you for which cost the most.

sr2, Feb 24, 7:29pm
Who are "they"!

rednsr, Feb 25, 9:47pm
This is a statement made from someone who has no experience in the motor trade.
He is of no help to you or any body else in this thread.

ozz1, Feb 25, 11:04pm
09 y12 wingroad.there is goining to bemore damagebehind.that you cannot see.best to let your insurance company sort it out.The good panel shops may repair it.but todays insurance companys (IAG) may just weigh it up and write itoff. . butI cant see the damage. so im just going by expereience.there is a lot of consideration (crash wise) on parts/panel/paint to be considered.etc.but if they(IAG) repaired more cars. then there would be MORE work for all the motoring industry.more work.equals more jobs.more jobs .equals more spending.more spending equals . more jobs. CATCH 22. just my2 cents worth.cheers.:)

jason18, Feb 26, 12:17am
Sweet man. I am letting panel beaters take care of it I was just curious as to wait happens in the panel game now. Panel beater thinks its pretty minor