Jeep Cherokee. Front suspension ball joints top and bottom need replacing are these a press fitcirclip heldor part of arm tia

frank1, Feb 21, 1:51am
front suspension ball joints top and bottom need replacing-are these a press fit,circlip held,or part of arm--TIA

frank1, Feb 21, 2:07am
Whoops 1997 model I think-4 litre--cant get hold of mate who owns it.

desmodave, Feb 21, 2:16am

you will find youtube vids aswell if you google

frank1, Feb 21, 2:30am
OK-got that,thanks Dave,thought they were taper fit.

petermcg, Feb 22, 7:02pm
I can supply those around the $55 mark if you are looking for some.