06 vz holden nudge bar?

squeaking, Mar 18, 1:36am
anyone know or got one for sale, (2nd hand prefered), bloody hard to get!

a.woodrow, Mar 18, 1:45am
Are they legal for fitment in NZ!

bobwyn, Mar 19, 12:25am
I have one sitting here its alloy with 2 spot lights on it was going to put it on my 05 vz avalanche but change my mind I will list it at the weekend and let you know.

squeaking, Mar 19, 4:15am
How Much!, Ive got the hell spots sitting here all ready

squeaking, Mar 19, 4:17am
yes they are, lots of them on utes for sale in car yards etc

squeaking, Mar 19, 4:21am
Hey bobwyn, are they the ones that are wider at the top to follow the body profile at each side of the grill!

bobwyn, Mar 19, 9:14pm
yep same as the one in auction 541359072.

squeaking, Mar 20, 2:36am
Price in mind!

bobwyn, Mar 20, 11:56pm
I think I paid $350 for it how does that sound to you !

squeaking, Mar 23, 3:42am
how about $300 ! will probably cost me $50 to freight my way!, you can keep the spots!

bobwyn, Mar 23, 3:58am
Okay. I will contact you.

squeaking, Mar 23, 4:10am
cool! will you put up listing! or just do a buynow on one of my cheaper listings,you wont have to buy it ,lol! and that will give you my email address

bobwyn, Mar 23, 4:20am
got your number of one off yor adds.

squeaking, Mar 23, 4:24am
listing 573491392

bobwyn, Mar 23, 4:31am
got ph number off add 573488086 i will ring 2moro

squeaking, Mar 23, 4:39am
sweet, i forgot about that ph number on there