Park lights and tail lights staying on?

fivestar2010, Mar 27, 2:45am
ive got a 87 hilux have just realised that the park lights and tail lights stay on even when keys out og ignition, ive just pulled fuse out stop battery going flat what could be causing this!

m16d, Mar 27, 2:46am
The switch is on.!

henderson_guy, Mar 27, 2:53am
Does that ute have a fog light switch by any chance! Even if it doesn't have fog lights fitted, on some vehicles that will bring on the tail and parks too

fivestar2010, Mar 27, 2:56am
tried fog light switch didnt work unfortuntly

fivestar2010, Mar 27, 2:56am
its onlt just started doing it

bigfatmat1, Mar 27, 3:31am
the night park switch is on top of steering column. either that or relay jammed