Just want to confirm that its not free to check cars Rego and Wof on Carjam even though im a registered member on the site
Mar 21, 1:46pm
You only get a certain number of free basic look-ups a month (4! I think) as a registered user, any more you need to pay.
Mar 21, 5:59pm
once you looked acar up then everyone else can see it for free also at the date you used a free loockup. and yes 3 only i think per month, they have to pay per lookup to the government also thats why its no longer fully free.
Mar 22, 1:13am
I don't like their use of the word "problem", and then you pay your money and it's not a problem at all. It's a very inflammatory word and used as a marketing tool to convince you to part with your money.
Mar 22, 2:02am
Once viewed by someone else the page will be cached, if you enter the same rego into carfax you will get the same details that were present when the page was previously viewed, so the details on the page won't necessarily be current if there have been changes made to the page since the previous viewing. So if you are just curious cached pages are fine. If the rego that you enter hasn't already been viewed by someone else then you will only get very basic info relating to the vehicle, so if you want up to date info you have to register and log in, and then you only get limited information anyway unless you are prepared to part with some dosh.
Enter trademe and your user name into google and see what comes back, they are cached pages.
Mar 22, 3:59pm
like when you look a car up and it seems to have expired wof when it should not have. you have to look at the date when it was looked up last as that is what you can see for free. for a fresh lookup you have to use your own lookups , and then everyone will see the newlookup from the date you looked it up.
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