before you buy pull engine cover off look below turbo if there is crud on swirl valve actuator walk away.
Jul 25, 5:25am
good engine, gearbox problems and major rust issues. the motor will still be running long after the rest isn't.
Jul 25, 5:39am
Diesel for medium to long trips when engine gets warm and for heavy trucks like jeep unless you can afford gas. Petrol far better for everything else, though pretty much everything else is better than a diesel jeep, especially if you just drive it around town.
Jul 25, 4:56pm
Thanks for the advice
Jul 25, 5:26pm
kam--what is the appeal to you of a Cherokee?-forgetting the fuel for a moment. Do you have need of a 4wd for towing or snow/mud use? If not then really you need to be comparing the Cherokee to a mid range station wagon like the 1800cc Toyota Feilder (just one example) You have the same space and comfort. Not saying you SHOULD buy a wagon but that thinking through the reason for purchase might make the decision easier.
Jul 25, 9:58pm
kazbanz - looking at purchasing a good size caravan so want something reasonable to tow it with, at the same time, to use as a main vehicle as well. Anything from 3.5l upwards comes into the 4wd category and has a stronger body. Most of these are AWD, the Cherokee that I mentioned above has the option of 2WD as well as 4WD but it is diesel, as mentioned above, something I've never owned before hence this thread. Due to physical disabilities I find something like a wagon or sedan too low to try and get in and out of where as the larger SUV type vehicle has the height. I hope this has explained the reason. Thank for your comments though. Do you own a SUV?
Jul 25, 11:20pm
SUV is far better to get in and out off than a low riding SW, The Cherokee is great, plenty of them around, do all the servicing and all should be well, If you can get a warranty then so much the better for someone in your position, it will tow good, and have great forward vision, good for trips.
Jul 26, 12:24am
On that basis Im not convinced a 2.7 diesel Cherokee is going to cut the mustard. Im happy to be proven wrong but Im not convinced its got the tow for a big caravan. Im also a bit worried about tail wags dog.
Dec 24, 4:06am
Fair enough
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