Chances are this situation will increase after 1 may, lots of new testers hitting the road and there will be no supervisors. Go direct to vtnz station manager. He will no doubt have to refer to the testers manual for reference. They will be aiming for no complaints so will probably bow to pressure to please the customer. Not happy then, go to NZTA.
Mar 4, 12:38am
Ok MY information is based on direct feedback from my customers. customers not teen yoofs but normal folks. Ive personally dealt with the exact situations I describe on several occassions. Literally gone to the local driver test establishment with an exploded drawing of the part of the vehicle showing the indicator (for example) has never been located there and that the vehicle had a brand new Compliance WOF issued by their own organisation(-turns out they are subbies to AA but that's besides the point). The MANAGER even when it had become clear.was his staff members error still wasn''t willing to give the customer a new slot that day. You may not be aware that vehicle finance is part of my job so assisting customers to get their restricted licence by proxy becomes part of that. So Ive reeled out my personal experience--wanna give yours disproving my statement?
Mar 4, 12:51am
Means nothing to the person doing the test, why you keep mentioning this irrelevant and blame deflecting technicality and defending them is anyone's guess. You must work for them.
Mar 4, 12:55am
When the police often can't get basic wof requirements correct, how can we expect laymen like driving testers to get it right. It's all just a lack of training and too much responsibility all round, really.
Mar 4, 1:19am
Your missing the point mate. They get into a peeing match and win or loose you have lost because you have missed your test slot and have to go rebook.
May 17, 7:19pm
That's a poorly trained tester, with poor senior management. Their supervisor could easily have resolved that issue and taken the test. After 1st may there will be changes to testing structure. Testers will still be poorly trained but they will become the site managers problem instead of talking to someone on a phone, you can walk into his office on site. This will only apply to vtnz sites of course, which ultimately will be where all testing will be done. Of course they may still not test that day. But make enough noise and I'm sure you will get a result.
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