Dash Lights on 24v staying on?

hawkeye30, Oct 6, 4:26pm
Hi all, we have an interesting query for you guys. We have a Izuzu bus 24v and the dash lights are coming on. The oil light goes out but nothing else. Hes taking it in to an auto sparky but I thought I would see what everyone thinks. Its random sometimes they go out sometimes they don't. Alternator? Battery ? What do you guys think Thanks

mm12345, Oct 6, 4:50pm
I think wait and see what the auto sparky says. If it's the alternator, then it's probably going to be expensive, 24v and diesel with vacuum pump on the back. I know I'd be looking for a second hand one if they can be found, or scouring the planet for an aftermarket one if they exist. $1,000 for new OEM might be a reasonably close rough estimate, plus labour.

hawkeye30, Oct 6, 4:58pm
Damn :) If the seal gone in the back of it and has leaked oil into it what do you think the chances are that we can get away with cleaning it out and replacing seal? Getting the towbar cert"d Thurs and cash running out lol I will find a cheap and safe fix hopefully Thanks tho
Just did a search on here! Do I have to get an izuzu one lol :)

intrade, Oct 6, 6:33pm
do you talk lights on when you run the engine or when you have the engine off and key out of ignition?

hawkeye30, Oct 6, 7:44pm
Lights on when running. If it was lights on when turned off I would just disconnect the battery LOL . Yea ok I have to put ""Lights on but no one home """. anyway will post update when he comes back, in at sparkys now. Thanks

hawkeye30, Oct 6, 8:18pm
Faulty relay $80.00 YAY . have saved alternator as fav search if one comes up on here second hand I will grab as a spare. If our one does die I know I wont have the $ for one when I need it and if we do upgrade bus it can go with it.

intrade, Mar 15, 7:10pm
reley usually nukes alternator on isuzu its why they sell new releys with alternators. you better change reley before it fails
Check what alternator you have the one with short vaccume pump is non existing for isuzu , i had to find a secoundhand unit from wracker for my mates isuzu 4x4 camper and fit it thru the wheel arch as the cab cant tilt no more because the camper is built over cab. dont really wish to do any more engine work on that fkn thing with no cab tilt.