Listing #: 924619861. Check this out. is this all good or is it just a case of buyer beware. Carjam has the mileage of this vehicle going up and down 5 times and thats only since 2012. The window card states the mileage that is obviously wrong looking at the pix, is carjam a legal representation of mileage device now?. Just looks a bit misrepresented to me.
Aug 2, 11:32pm
Wouldn't be concerned about that, they are all data entry errors. Remember that all early Escudos don't have 6 digit odometers. Assuming there were no major issues I'd buy it before someone else did, that is cheap for one of those.
Aug 3, 4:50am
Don't agree, couple of data entry but it has clearly hit it 100,000 at least twice now. It came to NZ with nearly 100,000. It now has 250,000 odd km. pretty obvious looking at the seats. Unsure how the heck dealer can get away with this. They are Not giving misinformation but not giving enough information is also on wrong side of law.
Aug 3, 5:33am
Hi Neville,
Thanks for your interest in our listing, Carjam is not a legal guideline for any of our vehicles but as this vehicle is quiet old but with somewhat low mileage and an owner that seemed to plead ignorance when traded I verified this by ???car jamming??? this vehicle to see if this is correct ??
Aug 3, 5:40am
Ok that's an entirely different story, that excludes the stated km on the listing and the cin card being a simple typo on the part of who entered it, after all it is what the odometer actually says. Its obvious from the report its 256km and there has been no actual admission to this unless you count asking a buyer to read the report themselves. Buyer beware indeed, if you don't like what you see move on.
Aug 3, 2:52pm
Any dealers care to comment! Surely the seller not pointing to obvious sceario, and recording the low km, is wrong?
Aug 3, 3:26pm
Ideally the dealer should have advertised the odo has been tampered with.
It is priced correctly though, it's not like they want $5k for it on the basis it has only ~50k on the clock.
Nov 22, 12:28pm
Nope ya just can't do that.- The seller is stating that Actual Distance Vehicle has travelled is 56000km on the CIN card which is a legal document. Knowing beyond doubt that it has travelled at least 100000km more than that. Is it clever advertising ? I dunno -The implication of overall dishonesty is there but then the seller is basically inviting interested parties to look at the carjam site themselves and draw their own conclusions re actual milage.
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