Hello gun, a question re clear coat. Is the modern clear coat finish more durable than those say 15-20 years ago? Reason I ask is I have a little car here that I use as a "hack" locally and thought I'd spruce it up as it's clear coat is peeling off from say 35% of the roof panel at a guess. Would it need the base coat redone too as it appears to be quite "Firm" if you get what I mean? Hot enough for you down there today, got to 35.4 degC here around 4:00pm sweltering stuff.
Dec 22, 2:44am
Well if ya believe all the hype from manufactures modern clear is the best. However, you do see many a OEM finish looking quite sad after a short time. Can be brought back to life of course with a good buff. But yes they will be better in the long run if maintained, just like everything. As for your peeling paint, no you cant just re clear over peeled clear, well ya can but would look shit. And if one patch or several are peeling you can bet the rest wants to go as well. Ive never removed old clear back to base coat and reapplied clear so no idea how that would go. But the whole idea of painting is to have each product work with its partners for the correct adhesion etc. I don't repair peeling clear, I strip whole panel back to steel and start again. Unless customer say otherwise then no guarantee would apply. But, if its a hack you could respray clear and bob could well be ya uncle for quite some time. And yes 29 in the booth with no heat today. yuk.
Dec 22, 3:04am
Phwoor gun the paint would almost be dry as it exits your spray gun mate, I get yuk for sure? Thanks for the info though it's appreciated, you going anywhere for the holidays, I'm not, I'm just staying put , nothing worse than driving on stinking hot days and loopies everywhere clogging up the roads?
Dec 22, 3:19am
Not sure what im up to at all, no doubt will do battle on the roads at some point. Yea paint drying to fast isn't the best, especially with silvers etc.
Dec 22, 3:25am
Good thread, the clear coat is 90% gone from the spoiler on the mrs car but the rest of it is in great condition. Was going to wait until it had all peeled off and have a crack at reapplying some clear. I think I will just keep an eye out for the same colour spoiler after reading this.
Dec 22, 3:30am
You can of course sand off clear coat and if base is solid, prime it and start a fresh that way as well. But honestly, if clear came off nice and it was well keyed re clearing could work fine. Ive never done it so can not comment on it really.
Dec 22, 3:38am
Might be worth the cost of a small tin to have a crack if the right colour one doesn't turn up at the wreckers at the meantime. How did you end up getting on with your badge hunt? I remember that the falcon one was the wrong size, but don't recall if you found the right one.
Dec 22, 3:42am
Oh yea, we ended up just filling in holes and respraying bootlid.
May 15, 8:10pm
I did wonder, seems like that badge is a hens tooth.
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