Who knows their modern tail lights?

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seadubya, Sep 7, 7:06pm
A bit of fun while I eat my lunch.
Not as easy as I thought, 10/18
(Edited so the link works.)

mm12345, Sep 7, 7:30pm
I found that quiz very easy.
Got half of the answers wrong - but at least I didn't have to think very hard to achieve such a lousy result.

andy61, Sep 7, 7:30pm

extrayda, Sep 7, 7:31pm
12/18 some guessing involved.
I don't generally look too closely at modern cars!

quickbuck, Sep 7, 7:39pm
6/18. Shocking. I guess I don't spend my days following flash cars around the local roading network anymore. or drouling over car magazines like I did as a teenager.

seadubya, Sep 7, 7:51pm
I used to recognise far more, even though they were mostly round, square or rectangle. Some of these crazy shapes should be easier to recognise, but I had trouble.

tgray, Sep 7, 8:12pm
10. I should know better!

intrade, Sep 7, 8:23pm
dont worry i only got 9 lol i went that one no that and the first was right at 2 of them when i clicked the wrong one.
Also i was thinking seeing the title it be a electrics diagnostic test.
Like modern tail lights are puls with modulated , they flicker , you can see that sometimes when the tv recods led front daylight running lights you see them blink on the tv programm.
The reason is the rate the film records and the pulsing of on and off of the lights gets snapped while the lights are comanded off.
they dont actuarly blink for your eyes , your eye can only see so fast and whats in between we cant see , hence you dont see led lights flicker

mm12345, Sep 7, 8:31pm
Perhaps there were just far fewer models of car around. Pretty sure that when I was a kid, you could recognise not just the basic model type, but the model variant when it was either coming or going and so far away that it was little more than a dot on the horizon, Mk3 Zephyr 4, 6, or Zodiac etc.
Seems that nowadays the makers seem to be trying so hard to make some "unique" identifying design details, the whole thing is pretty random. As for tail-lights, half the purpose seems to be to make them as vulnerable as possible and as expensive as possible to replace, so the car makers can make lots of $$$ long after they've sold the product. Selling something twice - always far more money in that than selling it only once. The auto industry has totally embraced that concept - and with in-house new car finance, extended service/warranty plans etc, you could probably say that they've even figured out a way to sell something 4 times over.

ema1, Sep 7, 9:06pm
Try this lot guys . night shots of various taillights quiz. I got 2 wrong out of this lot.

westwyn, Sep 7, 11:26pm
13/18, and kicking myself over two of them where I "knew" the answer but was swayed by internal bad judgement.

bunny2121, Sep 7, 11:50pm
Got 12/18. Second guessed my self on a few and should of stuck with original thoughts. Oh well.

countrypete, Sep 7, 11:50pm
13/18 and I thought the Falcon was a Commodore. Doh!

mals69, Sep 8, 12:00am

vivac, Sep 8, 12:41am
Some were too easily recognised by the wide shot that showed half the car.

stevo2, Sep 8, 12:57am

v8_mopar, Sep 8, 1:03am
8 and half that was just a guess lol. Whenever its an old car quiz I tend to get 100%

quickbuck, Sep 8, 1:09am
Me too actually. Thought VX era. Worst bit is I have a VX2!

bullfarmer2, Sep 8, 1:28am
17 out of 18 ohhh yea

fordcrzy, Sep 8, 1:42am
15/18 who cares about some stupid caddy or what model aston it is anyway

trouser, Sep 8, 2:31am
13. Must get out more.

clark20, Sep 8, 2:47am
15, some cars not here in NZ

henreitta, Sep 8, 3:54am
6. from a now " not motoring person" better stick with older cars i think

wsnownz, Sep 8, 5:16am
17 out of 18, got me on Rolls Royce

brapbrap8, Sep 8, 5:58am
16/18, in under 2 min.
Guess it means I spend too much time drooling over expensive metal.