Car door edge protection

janne5, Jul 27, 11:06pm
Have bought chrome coloured plastic U shaped push-on car door edge protection strip with adhesive inside the U shaped profile. I now see that the inside face of the door edge is not wide/deep enough (before it becomes double thickness) to comfortably fit/accept the body strip. Has someone else encountered and solved this problem? Thanks.

gunhand, Jul 27, 11:36pm
You can buy very thin chrome strip that will go on outside of door and pretty much do the same thing without it wrapping around as such. Should be able to source it through Repco or Supercheap. They will (should) have a sample board to look at first before ordering.

janne5, Jul 28, 3:02am
Thanks for your response. I will check out Repco and Supercheap for the possible alternative thin chrome strip before I commit to fitting the product I have bought.

kazbanz, Jul 28, 3:58pm
Janne-Have you actually tried to fit it? You might be surprised

bill-robinson, Jul 28, 4:00pm
have you tried being carefull when opening your door?

dublo, Jul 28, 5:20pm
Yes, most of us who read this will be careful opening our doors but minor connections with garage walls do happen.
What we also need is a system to prevent angle parkers denting our cars' door and side panels when they open their doors, and not just rubber strips.
In SA, apparently, you can buy flame throwers to deter carjackers. One of these under each side of a car, and set to fire automatically when anything got too close, would be an effective deterrent!

gman35, Jul 28, 7:13pm
Those edge strips do look dog though don't they !
Could make them black I guess , but then would look like car has crook door shut gaps.

neville48, Dec 6, 10:23am
maybe use the craft knife carefully and trim the internal edge down to suit. but do as Kaz says and try to fit as is first.