in mufty clothes to stand around at a busy intersection watching people run orange lights and then radio up marked officers to go pull them over? Happening in invercargill today wearing a hoodie and sunnys
Feb 22, 8:25pm
Reverse that question Why would it not be legal?
Feb 22, 8:29pm
lol here were I live they are young were white coats in sit on a chair like they doing statics till I realised wot was up
Feb 22, 8:30pm
Just seems a bit odd that is all never knew they were aloud to spy on people and then hunt them down lol and yellow means floor it wel if u are in the solid lines that is. what is wrong with putting red light cameras in like in ozzy
Feb 22, 8:39pm
isn't that also 'spying' then ? .
Feb 22, 8:47pm
too hot to be wearing a hoodie today mate
Feb 22, 9:23pm
Probably not legal - the 'Hoodie' bit :)
Feb 22, 9:26pm
On what reasoning?
Feb 22, 9:29pm
Think we should just sack all the cops, that'll work, (o:
Feb 22, 10:00pm
Yes but if you don't admit too it then they can only give you a warning but if you say you did $200 fine.
Feb 22, 10:17pm
Do you know that they were calling up police units, and that those units were acting on their calls?
Feb 22, 10:21pm
Feb 22, 10:22pm
That would lose some a topic to "chat" about on the TMMBs
Feb 22, 10:25pm
Please explain? If it is an officer on duty at lights there word bests yours and you're booked surely?
Feb 22, 10:26pm
Good! This is actually stopping unsafe practices that cause accidents and injury. Much rather they did this than usual stupid speed obsession.
Feb 22, 11:59pm
Good shit, nail those red/orange light runners. (Well if the orange light runners could have stopped in time)
Feb 23, 12:08am
No unless they have recorded evidence then they have no case, never admit anything unless you know they have evidence and ask for it, the same as if you get done speeding ask to see the speed evidence if they don't have it no fine happened to me a few times and so far never had a ticket.
Feb 23, 12:21am
About time they did something about red light runners. one at every set of lights would be my suggestion rather than complain about it
Feb 23, 12:28am
No reasoning - I just think that hoodies are a fashion crime :)
Not feeling too serous about traffic stuff today. Just back from a delightful trip to Paeroa and back for the weekend.
Feb 23, 12:54am
know someone who got shunted from behind by a cop car.the officers excuse and he was pissed that he got caught "why didn't you just run the F N orange light" even tho he was in a marked patrol car and they fought the insurance and the cop denied and denied for ages
Feb 23, 3:22am
Where in Ingill was this happening?(op)
I have seen a marked car parked 'nose out' on a slanting carpark (illegal parking, facing wrong way or on wrong side of road) outside the 'Subway' on Martin st. Radioing marked cars on Elles rd to pull over cars.
At the same time I see a civi in a car, listening to a radioscanner, jotting down the names of the cars owners etc. just across the road.
Bloody weird when getting half way thru a turn and finding a police car comming right at you. Till I relised it was just parked the wrong way round.
Feb 23, 3:44am
No difference from me dobbing Joe blogs in for same offence but mufti cop could get results faster.
Feb 23, 3:52am
I've been hit in the arse twice by cop cars over the years. 1st was 50 Km area, indicated to pull over on the side of the road to park and got hit. The first arsehole went all over my car trying to find something wrong with it so he could book me.
2nd was exiting a service area on to a main road with a stop sign and got hit from behind. Perhaps he thought i wouldn't stop and he could ping me for $150 for failing to stop on the stop sign. Instead my tow bar shredded his radiator.
Feb 23, 3:55am
lol is that the same as cops here hiding in gardens at the lights to radio the cars up the road? They've done that for years.
Feb 23, 9:33am
Bay road near hire pool
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