Hi, i drive a 1979 hondamatic atm , i use it every

kevlight, Jun 4, 4:45am
Hi Kev, we would have to get the car to christchurch if we purchase, does it drive well ? flowerpower322 (58 58 positive feedback) 10:28 am, Tue 2 Jun

'Tow it on a Car transporter Trailer, not Registered or Wof, Rego is on hold, its a 45 year old English Classic,no power steering, will need modern tyres,battery, brakes refurbished,it is not suitable as a daily driver in modern traffic .If you are really keen on it ,drive down for a look over. This is a Sunday cruiser or for British Car Days out. we intended it as a promo for our business ,but we have been offered and bought my Dream car so the Maxi Sale, will part fund the CX,thanks regards Kev

Hi, i drive a 1979 hondamatic atm , i use it everyday its great on petrol etc. How come you think the austin wouldnt be?

I have a 1970 Austin Maxi for sale on TM, i keep getting unusual questions from a non motoring savvy person, how can i politely tell them ,that its not for them ? with out being rude !

alternatively what the comparison, to what she is driving to what im selling ?

I do not want to sell a early English car, to a person who knows nothing about them , i do not want, a wall of tears, to come back to me .?

richardmayes, Jun 4, 6:18pm
I wouldn't worry too much on their behalf. there's no easy way to own classics, and people who want to get into classic cars really do need to learn the lessons for themselves, the hard way, like you and I and everyone else did!

Besides - your Maxi is a whole generation older and cruder than their "1979 Hondamatic" (presumably a 1st-generation Honda Accord?) but it would still be a nice drive compared to some other trendy classics. plenty of people are driving truly bloody awful cars like Minis and VW Beetles every day!

You are selling it with no WoF, no registration, needing to be towed away on a car transporter. you're probably pretty well protected from any backlash.

The buyer is CLEARLY not going to be able to jump into it at 6:50am next Monday morning and start commuting to work across Auckland on the motorway in it. (and then blame you when all the 95% worn out parts start causing breakdowns one after another!)

It seems like you can't really go too far wrong?

tamarillo, Jun 4, 6:32pm
Love all the history docs with the car! That's stuff tickles my bits.

richardmayes, Jun 4, 6:33pm
BTW, in the early 2000s I commuted to work across Auckland on the motorway for 4 years in a Triumph 2500TC and then in a 2.5PI. there were a few bad days, but MOST days were good days, and it was a life-affirming experience getting to drive a fun car every day, that made the morning commute enjoyable rather than a chore!

Obviously the PI was a lot more powerful than an Austin Maxi, which meant it was reasonably capable of getting into gaps in the traffic. The TC with its 106hp and 3-speed auto really needed to give everything she had, just to keep up with the traffic. I don't know how well a 74hp Maxi would cope with traffic in a major city now. ?

supernova2, Jul 25, 10:17pm
Back in the day I had a 1750HL Maxi which had a bit of head work. It did 160kmh effortlessly