Im on holiday borrowed parents car went to full it up with 25L of petrol before giving it back they went 120kms noticed lots of blue smoke they stopped for a while an drove and it stopped im gutted think its stuffed
Aug 23, 4:03pm
Rav 4
Aug 23, 4:05pm
Assuming it is a relevantly modern diesel, then Yes.
Could try draining the tank and filling with Diesel, but it will likely be a waste of good diesel.
Aug 23, 4:33pm
rav4 diesel will be a d4d commonrail. It will need a fuel system drain and flush. The danger of petrol especially with the commonrail diesels is the lack of lubrication of the pump which operates at very high pressure.
Petrol will also burn in an uncontrolled manner and potentially damage the combustion chamber.
Unfortunately IF it has caused damage then its going to be an expensive one for you.
Aug 23, 4:39pm
I have had a local Winz worker do this twice to a brand new Hyundai car. I drained it ,put new fuel filter on it. both times. clean diesel and its never missed a beat since.In your case its worth a try . to drain/replenish etc.
Aug 23, 4:53pm
Thanks,hoping for the best,gonna give it a go
Aug 23, 5:23pm
fortunately when its a lot of petrol in the tank, the injection system stops working before doing a lot of damage. whats worse is small amounts of petrol, which reduces the lube enough so that damage is done, but not enough to cause the system to stop completely. therefore its continued to be driven causing lots of wear.
Aug 23, 5:25pm
25 LITRES of PETROL + 120km driving then notice it smoking THEN drove more km's till it stopped
Really really freaking happy it's not my parents or vehicle Really . why did the parents not notice it wasn't performing as it should be, THEN noticed it was smoking & THEN drove again
REALLY . . .>> never mind that you stuffed up in the 1st place.
It's stuffed, . > if not right now & you get it going again, it WILL be stuffed very shortly
Aug 23, 5:25pm
25 LITRES of PETROL + 120km's PLUS more after noticing the smoke .
>think about it<
Aug 23, 5:44pm
True - up til now the haven't thought about it.
Aug 23, 5:45pm
Who put the filler hose in the tank?
Aug 23, 5:53pm
Think after that amount of Petrol added it would not have gone 1.2 k instead of 120k
Would have just stopped with some mechanical noises
Aug 23, 6:02pm
Yip claim insurance immediately it should be covered
Aug 23, 6:10pm
good point. i kinda miss read it a bit. its not looking all that good for the engine.
Aug 23, 10:03pm
Well guys happy ending drained tank of 10L of petrol bleed line and injectors outcome to friends/posters and my surprise the car started,i definitely had written it off, As some had given poor chances of a simple flush, Im stoked az, Thanks for your inputs,I can breathe easy now much appreciated
Aug 23, 10:20pm
bet ya a chocolate fish that aint the end of it
Aug 23, 11:40pm
If that specific vehicle at those specific km's & pre -fuel stuffup kms, had an expected life span from then to later of . >. . > 350.000kms, it will now be down to anything from 50K to 200K less short of the expected.
Another way to look at it is is that vehicle "should" have had another 150K average left in it, it's now likely down to anything left from 200 kms to 50K left.
I spent 2 years draining diesel fuel tanks from this exact screw up & often had those same customers come back in to that station & tell me whats happened, some good, mostly bad.
Diesel Engines are never the same after that kind of treatment
Aug 23, 11:42pm
How do you know it was 10 litres of petrol left in the tank?
Aug 24, 12:00am
given this seems to be a frequent event, maybe manufacturers should either put a petrol sensor in the tank that prevents the engine being started, or works with vendors to introduce a filler pipe standard that makes it impossible to put petrol in there in the first instance?
Aug 24, 12:14am
because I drained it into a container
Aug 24, 12:21am
Or put a sticker on the filler "diesel only" . but, wait. some people just can't read.
Aug 24, 12:30am
It aint over jaymez1, the fat lady hasn't sung yet.
I guess the japanese brands don't do it because their diesel cars are only sold in the pacific and european regions where we are more accustomed to diesel vehicles so we don't mess it up as often as the yanks.
Aug 24, 1:10am
I was in Rarotonga earlier this year and was gassing my rental scooter up. Both petrol and diesel bowsers were indentical with the words petrol and diesel in leters about 20mm high and I asked the girl at the counter if they ever had any problems, her reply was "only from visitors, here in the islands we all learn to read at school"
Aug 24, 3:29am
LMFAO. Petrol AND diesel mix very well. So . in fact what you got out was a mix of diesel & petrol which means your parents used up approx 90% of the 25 litres of PETROL you put in + including whatever diesel WAS in the tank at the time leaving only about 10 litres in the tank.
Q: How much diesel was in the tank BEFORE you put YOUR 25 litres of petrol in
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