Looking for cheap vehicle in Rotorua

dnos-sfs, May 22, 2:45am
Want to purchase a decently reliable vehicle for around $1000 with current rego and wof not really worried about the type or make of vehicle but vans and utes are preferred

intrade, May 22, 2:52am
keep dreaming -------

sharchew, May 22, 2:53am
Try wreckers

gammelvind, May 22, 2:56am
Facebook really is your only option but I really think you have to pick two out of your three. Decent. Reliable. $1000

dnos-sfs, May 22, 3:03am
You guys are idiot's, I have bought many reliable vehicles for $1000 that have lasted for well over 2 years each and very little extra money put into them. Toyota's son can't kill em.

corky, May 22, 4:39am
Well what are you waiting for, go ahead and purchase.

cagivachick1, May 22, 4:39am
dont tell jaz

tamarillo, May 22, 5:37am
No wanted ads here.

yogibearz, May 22, 7:26pm
o down to Rangis in Te Ngae Rd tomorrow.

mouse265, May 22, 7:41pm
Just stroll along the street at night and take your pick they are free

kazbanz, Jan 17, 8:11am
You want a ute or a van rego/wof reliable for 1k
Hey good luck. -Im being serious here not beeeing sarcastic.
I own a car dealership and have been trying to get a reliable cheap van for about 3 years for your budget.
Times have changed in the last couple of years