What does it mean if a car has 2 registration date
Mar 1, 2:57pm
I am looking to buy a used car and have printed a carjam report which says Warnings ??
Mar 1, 3:08pm
1) carjam has yet again screwed the information up 2) A clerical error.--Ie the vehicle was accidently registered as a fresh import 3) It is as you suspect and its a deregisted vehicle that's been reregistered
Mar 1, 3:12pm
Ok thanks, I though carjam would have stuffed it up lol
Mar 1, 4:15pm
sorry 69 steel-I need to explain 2) sometimes with fresh imports from Japan the wrong vehicle gets registered. If for example a dealer has 5 silver corollas. so you have in essence an unregistered car driving round the streets and a registered one sitting in the yard with no plates on it. Once the screw up is discovered theres a complicated system used to "deregister" one car and register the other
Mar 1, 4:59pm
So why not swap the plates to the one sitting in the lot and just register the one on the road?
Mar 1, 7:02pm
don't be so logical
Mar 2, 1:09am
Problem with that is the one still sitting on the lot now has a set of correct plates but a "false" trail of registered owners as it's never belong to Joe Public who bought and is driving the other car.
IMHO if, using Kaz's example, they are silver Corollas they should both just be scrapped and problem solved. Hehe!
May 20, 11:59am
lots of reasons but in a nutshell--its a VERY big pain in the backside for everyone concerned. 1) customer has to change their insurance over. 2) if financed the security has to be swapped to the other number plate. 3) ALL the paperwork has to be altered to suit the new rego number. 4) the wrongly registered car becomes one with an owner Honestly its actually a lot easier to make what is actually legally what is.
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