Hi, i drive a 1979 hondamatic atm , i use it every

kevlight, Jun 4, 4:57am
Hi Kev, we would have to get the car to christchurch if we purchase, does it drive well ? flowerpower322 (58 58 positive feedback) 10:28 am, Tue 2 Jun

'Tow it on a Car transporter Trailer, not Registered or Wof, Rego is on hold, its a 45 year old English Classic,no power steering, will need modern tyres,battery, brakes refurbished,it is not suitable as a daily driver in modern traffic .If you are really keen on it ,drive down for a look over. This is a Sunday cruiser or for British Car Days out. we intended it as a promo for our business ,but we have been offered and bought my Dream car so the Maxi Sale, will part fund the CX,thanks regards Kev

Hello, What does it need to get through wof please? Thanks flowerpower322 (58 58 positive feedback) 10:56 am, Sun 31 May
Car was registered and Wof when he drove it into the Garage 15 years ago, then he was given the use of a modern ute/van for his life-style block ; then he never really used the Maxi until i bought it off him ,this year,to get a wof it just needs to be taken to the garage and get the on hold Rego taken off and a WOF put on; the car has been well maintained and should be in Wof condition or very close to it;thanks for your Question. kev 8:06 pm, Sun 31 May

Hi, i drive a 1979 hondamatic atm , i use it everyday its great on petrol etc. How come you think the austin wouldnt be?

I have a 1970 Austin Maxi for sale on TM, i keep getting unusual questions from a non motoring savvy person, how can i politely tell them ,that its not for them ? with out being rude !

alternatively what the comparison, to what she is driving to what im selling ?

I do not want to sell a early English car, to a person who knows nothing about them , i do not want, a wall of tears, to come back to me .?

a.woodrow, Jun 4, 5:04am
Just blacklist them and move on. Sounds like it will end in tears

whqqsh, Jun 4, 12:39pm
yup, run, Forrest, RUN!

sas777, Jun 4, 8:20pm
Just say no.
She seems a nice enough person for sure, but you've already sussed her out to the point where you don't really want to sell the car to her. She has her head in the clouds, maybe the user name is a giveaway.

If you sell it to her you will never, ever, hear the last of it.

serf407, Jun 4, 8:31pm
Give them the web address for their local car auctions and suggest they might find a car that suits them if they visit enough auctions.

tgray, Jun 4, 9:46pm
If the Rego just needs to be taken off hold and you are confident it will pass a WOF, surely it's worth doing and selling with a new one?
Just a thought.

pebbles61, Jun 7, 2:44am
I wouldn't sell it, sounds like you'll be getting a phone call in a week with "It's leaking oil on the driveway!" etc

Nice looking car though, tempted to get it to go with my 'crab lol. Good luck with the sale _b

rozendaal, Jun 9, 2:20am
The Maxi could have been a brilliant car. They were spacious, comfortable, practical. if only the Japanese had made them.

kevlight, Jul 3, 8:23pm
that ! the truth right there , give that man, the choc fish !

. my 76 orange Maxi i tooled around Temuka , in the 80 s (rebuilt by a freezing worker engineer to near new) was an excellent car . wide long and carry a good load , surprised quite a few when i whistled past on the highway . !.
. LIKED IT ! so much in my retirement ive bought another, have decided if the Cx And the BX are to stay ,the Maxi may as well snuggle up to them too, perhaps a bit of Gaelic Sophistication and charm, might rub off on to it !