Getting the old Bedford back on the road

nzanthony, Mar 10, 12:03am
My J1 Bedford has a Manufacturers Gross laden weight rating of 3401kg.
Originally had a loading cert with a gross weight of 9375lb (4252kg).
Registration died 1996. Can I get this back on the road without having to get through a COF as I intend this truck to be for only private use?

martin11, Mar 10, 4:36pm
Probably not email NZTA and get facts in writing .

intrade, Mar 10, 5:00pm
anything above 3500kg needs a cof it dont matters what you think should be private or what ever has absolut nothing to do with that you always will need a cof . The weight is what the manufacturer has printed it to be at the time it was built .
I had a client with a daihatsu delta i think it was the waight was now sit down 3550 kg on the printed lable. he wanted to change it to 3500kg so it could pass a wof.
Sorry he was told its what it is and anything above 3500kg needs a c.o.f manufacturing specifications can not be changed .
Possibly you could change it if you complete recertified the vehicle and then you open another can of worms with more rules and regulations you have to comply after i would guess plus the cost of all this would probably buy you easy another vehicle instead.

skin1235, Mar 10, 5:05pm
do motorhomes 3500kg plus have to have a COF?
somewhere I got the impression they didn't, a WOF and RUC's if it was diesel

snoopy221, Mar 10, 5:08pm
Sheesh J 1 's ain't that heavy it musta been eatin all the pies-lol
The J2 which is on T V as the food truck runs on a warrant from memory with the kitchen built in.
Next time it's on tv carjam the rego.
Reality is a J1 should be warrant class weight

martin11, Mar 10, 5:23pm
Vehicles were made out of real metal in the days that this was made in not tinfoil like new vehicles .

nzanthony, May 6, 7:07am
Thanks for the replies will contact VTNZ. My way of thinking is that the manufacturers weight states 7500lb (3400kg). The original MOT loading cert is 25% more at 9375lb (4252kg). I just don't understand why a loading cert allows more than what the manufacturer states and I reckon if I was to re vin this truck that it should be subject to the manufacturers weight limit of 3400kg.