THIS is how to drive a Mini 'round Goodwood.

attitudedesignz, Mar 19, 10:32pm
As an ex-owner of some quick Minis i knew the Swifttune stuff was good but holy.

His cornering style is. umm. unique, no brakes. just chuck it in.

Also wonder if his seat has a big 'cut out' to carry his rather large. -

seadubya, Mar 19, 10:54pm
Great clip, it certainly corners pretty flat, even for a mini. He won't have put much wear on those brakes at all. I wonder how much he was lifting the inside rear wheel on some of those corners because he wasn't slowing down much.

dave653, Mar 19, 11:06pm
Far out! A fifth gear would be nice too.

trogedon, Mar 19, 11:40pm
I'm thinking, he's gonna crash, he's gonna crash. Agree with AD totally.

twink19, Mar 20, 12:07am
great, saw o a clip a while back, Hillman Imp, same commitment

saxman99, Mar 20, 12:23am
Far out. Awesome drive.

budgel, Mar 20, 1:35am
Great drive! What was the white car in front of him? BMW?

attitudedesignz, Mar 20, 2:09am
Early to mid' 60s BMW 1500

extrayda, Mar 20, 3:19am
Pretty impressive. I really want him to have just a bit more HP! Frustrating to watch him catch on the corners just to have them walk away on the straights.

attitudedesignz, Mar 20, 3:30am
Ain't that the truth lol.

Imagine that Mini somewhere like Brands Hatch short circuit tho', it'd lap EVERYONE more than once in a race.

serf407, Mar 20, 4:00am
The old school Datsuns had a good sound too.
from back in the day when you could drive to and from work, rather than crawl like today.

timmo1, Mar 20, 4:28am
Not that fast. the speedo hardly moved :P

russell.s.c, Mar 20, 4:56am
It had already gone around once. Must have removed the needle stop.

Of all the cars I've loved before
Which passed through my garage door
I'm glad that Mini came along
It makes sing this joyful song
To that Mini I loved before

snoopy221, Mar 20, 5:08am
Klassik vid thanks. vacuum cleaner pipe for intake manifolds home done cross drilled cranks-Meh heads cut apart and welded with bracing. lol
O ring bores done with copper O rings.
We used to be able to do a saeson on a crank unless ya missed a gear and well 13000 rpm was Oh So EASY- LOL
The ole dat dung.
Cut ya teeth in the trade on ole dungers like dat and hey.
Chur Bo. Klassik vid.

snoopy221, Mar 20, 5:10am
And yeah done minis as well- however the ole dat dung.
noice cam too

whqqsh, Mar 20, 12:23pm
you also see the old 'it's only a mini, I'll just push him over' attitude many times too,
Had it several times in normal traffic with lane changers etc. in the wifes mini.

seadubya, Mar 20, 6:01pm
Another car that is insanely quick around the corners, this time it is 45 seconds of MK2 escort madness.

mk3crazy, Apr 20, 4:48am
I would love to own a old classic Mini again. There is so much you could do to it. With all these front wheel drive jap cars around you can do just about any engine swap you want to.