Diesel fuel filter 99 Terrano Neo now wont go

cattleshed, Mar 5, 12:55pm
Hi everyone. I changed the fuel filter on the 1999 Diesel Terrano 3 litre Neo. It's the big metal cannister on the left side at the rear of engine bay. Was going beautifully before. It momentarily started and stopped. Would there be air that needs to be bled. Many thanks in advance.

intrade, Mar 5, 1:15pm
Did you fill the filter with diesel? usually best to fill em up if you did not fill it and put some diesel fuel additive in the filter for superlube the components . you will neeed to figure out the bleed procedure . or know what you do like i just would fill the filter and then draw a vaccume with my brake bleeder on the return line or the vaccume hand pump till the air is purged .
Do not crank for longer then 30 secounds and after 5 times you need to wait 5 minutes for the starter to cool down , should start almost instant if there is no air in the system.
cranking a diesel with air damages injector pump on any diesel over longer and it destroys your starter as its not made to crank continuesly, plus it drains your starter battery.

intrade, Mar 5, 1:25pm
munchface have a read of this its where i got my informations mostly from like the ignition i explained since your interested in the stuff.

looks like some swaptrons where at it overall you both should now understand why we cant do swaptronics on new cars that are alredy now old in reality.
also my above post is not based on this pdf my above post is based on know how in my head with my switch in the on position for the brain.

intrade, Mar 5, 1:53pm
the above article is not what i think is wrong with your car poster 1 you got air in there is what i would say by 98% sure guessing from what information you supply but the article is what could happen on your one also one day.
i got a cheap starter for a client with no money 180$ for a old isuzu mu 4 month later it was dead , i was oversee but i did test what was wrong . the swaptron told her it was a old refurbished one and , well it was incorrect it was of poor quaility like there was no grease in the bearing but that was not why it failed it had a short in the silanoid of making high resistence constant power draw on the new copy item . This is usually not a emense problem on old diesel with no electronics apart from a flat battery. but inferior copys can cause havoc in electronic computerised vehicle petrol or diesel like plust stuff usually need coding and programming. as you can read in the above article
so even new items can cause problems if they are infirior cheap junk.

intrade, Mar 5, 1:57pm
make your own thread i cant recall what problem you have had with your car , but a engine mount wont set no codes unless it has a wire and is electromechanically dampening . the mount. yes they also exist now on some vehicles.

bjmh, Mar 5, 4:00pm
O P has it got a big black button on the top of the filter assy.

cattleshed, Mar 5, 8:53pm
Thanks everyone. All sorted. Has a big black button on top and can prime easily. Cheers!

mugenb20b, Mar 5, 10:42pm
That's the worst thing you can do. The unfiltered fuel will go straight into the pump.

franc123, Mar 5, 11:08pm
Damn right, the correct method is to dry fit the filter and hand prime the fuel through with the outlet line off, or if the hand primers not working suck it through before reconnecting the line. And you certainly don't fill the filter with Superlube Deesel Additive in those sorts of concentrations all at once, if at all.

bjmh, Mar 5, 11:12pm
good on ya,one thing I do before taking the old filter off ,I give the primer a wakeup call while its still full of fuel in the filter. seems to make it easier to bleed the new filter.

cattleshed, Mar 5, 11:27pm
Thanks bjmh that is a good idea! And mugenb20b or anyone with such a small amount of unfiltered fuel would that likely cause a problem?

mugenb20b, Mar 5, 11:38pm
Not really but it's not a good thing to do long term. Especially bad with common rail diesels.

cattleshed, Mar 5, 11:44pm
Thanks for that Mugenb20b. Won't happen again. The silly thing was in the back of my mind I was thinking probably need to bleed somehow the thinking seems to have reverted to early petrol carb engines.

intrade, Mar 6, 12:00am
Who on earth filles dirty fuel in to a fuel filter.
my injector test gear only operates on unfiltered fuel. Should be logic that you dont go poure some old crap and water and sand in a filter to fill it , iveco turbodaily model 35-10 from 1988 and quite a few other diesel dont have a primer system so the only way to not have a pump run dry is to prefill the filters. Unless you use vaccume thats not a option on diy usually.

cattleshed, Mar 6, 12:55am
Thanks intrade. Yes, my thoughts too I guess. The fuel that came out of the cannister looked very, very clean, so much so I doubted that the filter even needed to be changed but since it was an unknown I thought it best to be on the safe side.

mrcat1, May 14, 9:13am
And you wonder why you have so many issues with diesel systems? I don't have any problems with my diesel systems like you do and I burn 300-400 liters of the stuff every day.