Have a 2003 Corolla and the CV joints have started clicking when turning hard left or right. Can I leave the job til later or will they fail drastically? Don't do any long distance/hard motoring. Here's hoping
Feb 14, 7:07pm
Normally, they can click away for years but will fail eventually. Sounds like both outer CVs will need replacing.
Feb 14, 8:01pm
They start out only clicking at hard lock and with your foot down and as they wear it takes less and less hard lock or power down to make them click. Eventually they click away going straight ahead and with hardly any power. I would never drive one that was doing that later thing.
They can break well before the clicking is straight ahead and a lot of power being needed to make them click. And although they don't often break like that or even much worse, when they do break they can cause you to be broken down, and they can rarely start grabbing the steering wheel out of your hand really violently.
Best to get it done when it's clicking at sharpish lock and medium power. doing a U turn say.
Feb 14, 8:06pm
Or before.
Before I get shot.
Feb 14, 9:37pm
Normally you can stretch it out. Avoid them clicking by not applying power on sharp turns as much as possible. The less clicking you hear the less wear I was told.
Feb 14, 9:38pm
Oh and you can help them by repacking with grease.
Feb 14, 9:50pm
No you cannot, they are stuffed.
Feb 14, 10:05pm
Yeah they're stuffed. Boots won't fix it.
Feb 15, 1:51am
When they click in a straight line then the job becomes more urgent.
Feb 15, 5:22pm
Thanks everyone. The answer I was hoping for. I'll leave it until the next WOF.
Jun 15, 6:56pm
Oh, ok. I wasn't saying they weren't stuffed but I thought that if you wanted more life you could stuff them with grease and it helps. At least that's what mechaic did. Maybe wife's tale?
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