Maybe time for a daily drive photo shoot

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tamarillo, Feb 22, 1:35pm
is mini to get home if holden breaks?

tamarillo, Feb 22, 1:37pm
And how a much you ate maybe?

lissa25, Feb 22, 1:47pm
Mini is daily driver in distress, Holden is long haul family car.

smac, Feb 22, 2:07pm
True. Mini has a little more poke off the line.

sw20, Feb 22, 3:39pm

tamarillo, Feb 22, 5:02pm
nice, is wankel as feul hungry as testers find? 20 mpg?

sw20, Feb 22, 5:03pm

johotech, Feb 22, 9:48pm
Mine's even dirtier than yours. Here's one my 5yo made instead.

gunhand, Feb 22, 10:49pm

thunderbolt, Feb 22, 11:29pm

jhw2, Feb 22, 11:36pm

lissa25, Feb 22, 11:37pm
WOW, how is the trail of carnage not visible in the photo?

lookoutas, Feb 23, 12:02am

extrayda, Feb 23, 12:03am
mmm love the E-Type, do you want me to look after it for the six days you aren't using it?

trogedon, Feb 23, 12:04am
You have to look at his bank balance to see that!

tamarillo, Feb 23, 12:05am
Bugger, always fancied one and size would be perfect for me, but although I don't obsess about gas, it's still a cost and others go as quick with less gas.

daryl14, Feb 23, 12:29am
Good old leather personnel carriers. Or lpc's for short.

tamarillo, Feb 23, 12:32am
Hah! Hope you're deeply ashamed and sorry for the polar bears and grannies you've killed with your excessive, nay dangerous speed!

NZTools, Feb 23, 12:59am
Thanks. it is just a pup compared to this GQ owned by a customer of mine. 6 in lift, Remote Reservoir Shocks. 35In. Tyres. Front and rear diff locks., and a TD42 running an unbelievable amount of boost. It will go damn near anywhere.

poppy62, Feb 23, 1:19am
Looks just like an old fart Pensioners car . . Family Heirloom?

kazbanz, Feb 23, 1:19am

jmma, Feb 23, 1:22am
Hhmm, it just wont die, maybe I could pass it on to the kids (o:

jmma, Jun 1, 2:04pm
What is the middle one in the back ground kaz?