Chev Truck power steer

paynta1, Nov 17, 1:32am
Can anyone put me onto someone that has a power steering pump pulley surpenteen belt,probably spelt that wrong , or complete unit, I can be contacted through one of my trucks forsale
For a 89 Chev pickup

ceebee2, Nov 20, 7:06pm
You could try Bunce and Curtis on the NorthShore.

xs1100, Nov 20, 8:00pm
surely bnt can track you down a belt easy enough or even try GATES direct

budgel, Nov 20, 11:38pm
Check out Rockauto online, it will be here within a week at a fraction of the NZ price.

whqqsh, Nov 21, 12:48am
AFWE at Airport Oaks, they import Yank 4x4s & parts

sgrants, Sep 22, 5:18am
Bunce Motor Company , Wairau rd,
Ex Bunce & Curtis