We are in the throws of buying a new Santa fe. The only thing we dont like are the factory wheels. They look arse. The dealer is set on selling us 22 inch wheels which look great but I'm thinking un practical for terrible Northland roads. Does aynone out there have 20 inch wheels on their santa fe? Im interested to hear your opinions and even what the vehicle looks like. Cheers
Jun 28, 4:42am
The dealer will know as much about wheel size vs ride quality as I do about the history of Mars. The "gangsta rims" look is also a bit too try hard for what is just a (still apparently quite good) Korean SUV, not a Porsche Cayenne. Your thinking is about right.
Apr 16, 10:19pm
A lot of those "flash wheels" with lower profile tyres are quite weak too. if you have a crap road with lots of potholes etc, they are damned expensive to replace if they split etc. At least the factory wheels will be strong.
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