Subaru Heater Gurgling?

dasfi, Jul 3, 6:32am
Just replaced the Thermostat on Subaru 95 ej20, Now quite often I can hear gurgling sound through heater core inside car,
Doesn't overheat, Heater working fine, Thermo opens fine,
Have done a TK test & Pressure Test, all are ok.
Tried burping it but still makes a noise

lugee, Jul 3, 7:52am
Air in the cooling system. As long as there's no air locks that might cause overheating, it should work it's way out over a few days. Keep an eye on the overflow bottle.

bigfatmat1, Jul 3, 1:00pm
There is a special tool for bleeding air out.

tamarillo, Jul 3, 7:06pm
There are YouTube videos on how to bleed Subaru system.

lookoutas, Jul 4, 4:58pm
They're mongrels to get the air out of.

xs1100, Jul 5, 4:25am
yes best by the manifold there that's the highest point and no it wont work through to the overflow bottle

noswalg, Jul 5, 3:29pm
I had that same gurgling noise.Managed to get the air out of the hose at the highest point by heating the system then massaging the hoses at the joins. Used this technique last year as well when I replaced the radiator on current suby, also top the hoses up with coolant.

intrade, Jul 5, 3:41pm
sounds like you need a coolant bleeder tool normally for this job . way worse are them toyota estimas where the heater is almost 30 centimeter above the filler point and 12 meter of spaghetti hoses up and down all over these enemas

i fixed once one of these took me 6h to get all air out . must have been 6 years ago now and i seen the guy who owns it its still going once i replaced the head and all on the pile of dog turd.

intrade, Jul 5, 3:53pm
i also done subarus no problem with the coolant what it did was come back for loosing oil. on front of engine. took me also a long time checking all my work for potential faults as it seemd to come from the seal on crank shaft but no signe of it once i had the covers off again and no oil leek only when He driven it.
So i reved the crap out of it till the cooling fan came on and got my 300$ flashlight out to look around.
And there it was oil started to appear magically on the corner of a housing . and since i dont think that magic tricks was real i whiped it off and took a close look , A hairline crack had opened up in the aluminium. was thinking how to fix it, and came to the conclusion its unfixable at a reasenable cost smearing some crap on it crossed my mind , but i told the guy not to rev the crap out of it when he drives it as thats what it takes to make it loose oil and to buy a fire extinguisher for when it should go up in flammes because it did smoke drip on to exhaust once enough oil esaceped.

lugee, Mar 19, 8:37pm
Always has for me. I'm not talking cooling system is 50% air, just some tiny bubbles that usually make themselves audible in the heat core, and are next to impossible to get out in some vehicles by manually bleeding. They're small enough to not cause airlocks and eventually make it to the radiator cap where they get expelled as the pressure increases. Of course this is only after making sure both the engine is cooling properly and heater is working well.