Toll road

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xs1100, Aug 3, 9:27am
often wondered if you took yr rego sticker out of its pocket if they do actually photo yr plate

tintop, Aug 3, 9:33am

tintop, Aug 3, 9:35am
Yes - its the plate that is photographed. front and/or rear.

If number is obscured then an operator matches up partial numbers showing and make/model of vehicle.

tamarillo, Aug 3, 10:12am
Ok, when was it freed up though? Must have been a long time ago. Decades.
Anyways I take the hill road if I'm down there, it's a hell of a lot more fun.

tintop, Aug 3, 10:15am
Nice picture though.

Morrie convertable ?

tamarillo, Aug 3, 10:18am
Yeah I reckon, split screen. Only other I can make out is maybe back of a ford prefect?

tintop, Aug 3, 10:36am
Perhaps - there were still quite a few Prefects and Pops around in 1964.

The place where I worked in 1962/63 replaced all of theirs with 850 Minis. Oh - what great fun!

bill-robinson, Aug 3, 7:57pm
what makes you suggest that?

bill-robinson, Aug 3, 7:58pm
nope, the tunnel opened after I got home

floscey, Aug 3, 7:59pm
one of those cantuseacardatrons ?

mrcat1, Aug 3, 8:04pm
And they have also changed Route K in Tauranga to this system on Saturday as well, so the systems probably in overdrive at the moment.

kazbanz, Aug 3, 11:55pm
Actually guys. Intrade isn't saying it very well but has a very good point.
When you have two options to pay. Cash or online. Then the cash option is removed you are left with--Online. be it laptop,device etc.
But if the site is down then what option are you left with?
-Yep wait.--well hang on--how long for?
Too soon and sites still down. Too late and its accrued "late payment penalties"
Nahh sorry its a rort.

floscey, Aug 4, 12:06am
masking tape and vivid applied at BP Silverdale and removed at Warkworth

tintop, Aug 4, 12:16am
News at Noon.

Site crashed, hope to get it back this afternoon.
Payment period extended t0 19 days without penalty.
Can pay by phone without penalty.

Fruckup it may be - Rort ? nah.

richardmayes, Aug 4, 12:31am

When someone who is ALWAYS on here telling everyone else they are doing everything wrong, and they need to up-skill if they want to service today's electronic, ECU-controlled vehicles; throws his toys because he can't work out the (EXCELLENT and very simple) online payment system for toll roads.

bill-robinson, Aug 4, 12:50am
is that like throwing coins in a bucket then?

tmenz, Aug 4, 7:53am
The Tollroad website is back up and running again.
The payment procedure is a bit different though - a little tricky to find the way through from the home page to start with - I liked the old process better!

intrade, Aug 4, 7:58am
ok i go and have a look then

sw20, Aug 4, 7:59am
I've always wondered why people even bother stopping at the BP to pay by cash? By the time you stop, wait in line to pay the toll, then get on your way again, you could have just drive the free route through Orewa.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 4, 8:11am
Drove the new Eastern Link a couple of times today, cops were having an absolute field day. We are so overdue for an open road speed limit increase in this country for new roads like this, it just isn't funny.

Trouble is it's not congruent with the propaganda and subsequent revenue stream, so that ain't gonna happen anytime soon, and if it is, it will be a pathetic 10km'h after much hand wringing and nonsense about ageing fleets.

intrade, Aug 4, 8:15am
ok done . but i have a complaint again they want your valid email adress to send you a reminder when your prepay expires. but they dont upgrade so it sends the invoice to your mail. and i complained years ago that they should send overdue notices in the e-mail not in the postal adress when you head south for 2 month and forget to pay and they send you a overdue code in to your po box 1000s of km away from where you are and you cant even pay it because you need to enter this code the morons send you in the mail.
i wonder if they upgraded that part but i doubt it if you cant even select send recipt to registerd mail.
you can do that when you put a car on hold so why cant the do anything ever so it makes sense and they want all this online stuff only but its a halfarsd unfinished upgrade again, it seems what else can you expect?

tintop, Aug 4, 8:38am
The thing is geared for the vast majority who establish an account linked to their credit card.

All transactions are there to see, they help themselves to the top up amount when needed and send an email to the owner of the account.

Its a piece of cake to either add or remove a vehicle from the account.

Simple, simple, and simple.

intrade, Nov 19, 12:03am
yea you dont drive another car every 6 month its not so easy when you never drive the same car for longer