Should cars be permitted to have forward facing white strobe lights, or do they protect vulnerable cyclists from harm's way so only cyclists should have them?
Jun 4, 6:01am
I agree
Jun 4, 6:01am
Sorry mate. I edited too slowly
Jun 4, 12:57pm
cars look gay enough as they are these days with just LEDs without having flashing disco lights on the front, nah leave them to the cyclists, the ones that do it right need all the help they can get (the rest deserve to be road pizza)
Jun 4, 4:20pm
some of them are really bright and dangerous to on coming traffic
Jun 4, 8:11pm
Some of the flash new euros have strobing indicators
Jun 4, 9:39pm
Probably better that only cyclists have them, although they shouldnt be too bright or aimed directly into oncoming traffic. I have some high power lights that dont flash and some lower powered ones that do, the combination catches the attention of all drivers bar the blind ones. I do not know how these people find their car, let alone the keys to drive it
Jun 4, 10:20pm
I think bright flashing cycle headlights are a good thing.
Anything that gives me a better chance of seeing them, and not pulling out in front / diving in in front of them.
Jun 4, 10:33pm
I invested in a 1000 lumen forward facing light for my bike, it can be full/low or flashing.
The advantage of flashing is that the battery lasts a lot longer.
For me the worry is always trucks pulling in too sharply and catching me in their rear wheels.
Jun 4, 11:44pm
I was out and about the other night on me cycle, lights etc, so all safe. ish. Turned into a street and there was two bright as lights way down the street coming toward me. They were so bright I couldn't tell what it was and quite blinding, and set at odd heights. Turned out it was just another cyclist. A light on his helmet and one on bike, I actually thought it was over kill and to bloody bright.
Jun 4, 11:51pm
Road rules are road rules--so ALL legal lighting requirements should apply to all road users.
Jun 5, 12:02am
i agree with gunhand . the ones with the possum dazzler headlight on their helmet,when they look up it blinds on coming traffic. so much for permanently dipped like car spot lights
Jun 5, 12:58am
I know a guy who used to cycle with two high powered torches for headlights. I came towards him one night and even I thought they were way too bright (he does have jam jar glasses and due to bad vision and isn't legally able to drive). Next time I was talking with him he said the Police had made him tone them down. I understand that although the Police didn't have an objective test to be able to tell him to do that.
Jun 5, 1:00am
If I rode regularly at night I'd have one on my helmet too to be able to direct at drivers faces at intersections etc to make sure they'd seen me.
Jun 5, 1:17am
Don't you think that's pretty selfish of you? Shall I get a hand held spotlight in my Falcon and do the same to you when you're on your bike?
Jun 5, 1:21am
Are you a tit for tat guy?! I didn't say a bright light did I? Cyclists are the vulnerable ones and drivers need to know they're there. Drivers are safe in their tank-like Falcons or whatever.
Jun 5, 1:27am
I wonder if a car driver hit a bike rider with an uber bright light because they were blinded by the riders headlight/helmet light which person would be prosecuted? Serious question.
Jun 5, 1:28am
I have a stupidly bright 1500 lumen or something headlight for my bicycles. I don't use the strobe as I'm sure it would make me fit in a matter of minutes hah. I actually value seeing where I want to go as I cross across a couple of parks in complete darkness so keep them on a solid beam. The rear red light however is also stupidly bright and does strobe. I have had a motorcyclist yell at me for my front light being super bright. Glad he saw me.
Jun 5, 1:29am
we have enough problems with idiot road workers doing that and blinding drivers. i've nearly run over two road workers because the workmen where doing that. its a moron thing to do.
Jun 5, 1:52am
oh bullshit. you have 1400 kgs of cage protecting you. A cyclist has a light to warn you of their presence and nothing else. get over yourself.
Jun 5, 1:53am
falcon is what, 1.5 ton. You don't have that protection as a cyclist. Would you like me to call the whaaaaaambulance for you?
Jun 5, 2:01am
So it's OK to dazzle the eyes of car drivers but not cyclists? Clearly you think you're more important that others, and therefore your opinion is of little value
Jun 5, 3:20am
I like the reflectors on their peddles, always get my attention when I see them at night, maybe if LEDs on cyclists shoes would be a good idea.
Jun 5, 3:21am
Read what I WROTE before making stupid comments about who's opinion is of little value. If its of such little value - why read and comment?!
Jun 5, 5:36am
I read what you 'WROTE' so perhaps you should read who's reply I responded to trogedon, and then kindly rescind your 'stupid' comment.
Having said that - you have personally advocated deliberately interfering with the night vision of other road users just because they are in a 'safe' car. That has potential to cause harm to others, just so someone can see you.
Cyclists need to be considerate road users too. EDIT: and fortunately most are
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