Interestin how this was handed to police - because a guy filming the incident and swearing inside his car is not really :
1) An incident the police will be interested in 2) nothing that many of us has ever done before
I am a cyclist myself (not one the lycra wearing ones - just a casual one) but do have some sympathy with the driver in this instance as the cyclists should not have been blocking the entire lane.
What are others comments - is this a news worthy item or another Stuff beat up?
Feb 9, 2:32pm
This is old news, it was flogged to death in another thread on here a couple of weeks ago.
Feb 9, 2:47pm
Yes, but that was road rage and not road rafe
Feb 9, 4:30pm
road rafe might be like date rafe
Feb 9, 4:36pm
He is so right , yes he sounds angry but it is the cyclists are who riding dangerously and inconsiderately . Police should ticket these idiots for failing to keep left or as far left as practical !
Feb 9, 4:50pm
You have to be KIDDING?
Think about how wide the road is to start with. Then how wide the vehicle is THEN how much room he's going to need to get pass
How much of the road the vehicle will need, EVEN if there wasn't any cyclists on the road.
Never mind the dickhead maneuver he did in passing the cyclists AND his general attitude AND that he was steering though out the video with ONE hand on the wheel & the other hand ON the camera.
Feb 9, 5:37pm
You got it.
Feb 9, 7:01pm
Gaggles of road lice that block the whole lane as they plug along at 30km/h without a care in the world are indeed annoying.
Passing them with a stupid overtaking move that nearly results in a head-on collision with another car is NOT the answer though.
What a great advertisement for public roads in New Zealand - where the cyclists and the motorists, by and large, deserve one another.
Feb 9, 8:54pm
richardmayes wrote: Gaggles of road lice that block the whole lane as they plug along at 30km/h without a care in the world are indeed annoying.
That's no way to talk about you and your families driving style.
Feb 9, 9:22pm
The police highway unit is an overfunded overutilised unit, simple. Matters of actual importance are overrun by matters of sensationalism. It's difficult to find sense in it so I've stopped looking.
Feb 9, 10:12pm
Why is there never any outcry from people stuck behind tractors on main roads, both groups are legally allowed to be on the road but only the cyclists cop any flack. Was following one on Sunday on the road back into Whangarei from Tutukaka and he was all over the lane as he was texting while driving.
Feb 9, 10:37pm
This is just the sort of muppet that shouldnt be allowed to be driving on NZ roads. i encounter this all the time and simply wait until there is enough room to safely pass. The guy should not have a drivers licence. Simple as that
Feb 9, 10:45pm
ever so slight difference between one 'wider than most cars' tractor & several shoulder width cyclists side by side. blocking the road
Feb 9, 10:55pm
Exactly, 2 riders abreast takes up no more than half the lane and safer to pass than some tractors that have to drive half in the lane half on the shoulder just to stay left of the centre line
Feb 9, 11:11pm
2 riders abreast are seldom 'shoulder to shoulder', they usually spread out quite a bit & thats part of the problem too, it just adds to the perception of arrogance
Feb 10, 12:00am
just give them a toot! He was a bit of a tool no doubt, but those cyclists were not being very sharing of the road.
Feb 10, 1:53pm
Nope I wasn't joking , Im serious . Yes the Cyclists videoed are a bunch of very inconsiderate selfish road users . Yes the guy is very angry , yes he may be driving with one hand, yes he nearly fucked it up . but who is at fault . Would it be ok if two cars are driving along side by side with the drivers chatting away without consideration for other road users behind them ? Is it alright if two cars are racing each other on public roads ? The lycra clad thugs who ride in bunches need education re the road rules , other road users must obey the rules , why are cyclistsin bunches immune to the law ?
Feb 10, 2:05pm
WHO was in control of the most potentially dangerous vehicle? WHO was acting aggressively? WHO (through their own actions) deliberately carried out a maneuver that could have easily killed several people? WHO was arrogant enough to post a video of their own aggression & frustration on YouTube for all to see AND then expect sympathy? ************
Even at single file riding on the edge of the tarseal on THAT specific road, there still wasn't enough room for a vehicle to pass without going over the center line.
Do you have any idea on how dangerous it is to ride a pushbike on the edge of the tarseal?
Feb 10, 2:13pm
Why are you guys insisting on arguing that one party is in the right, and one is in the wrong? It's rarely that way for ANY road incident, let alone when two groups of complete muppets meet up.
Feb 10, 2:56pm
LOL, nothing equal about these 2 sets of participants.
Yes the cyclists are a pain in the Ar$#@ but are protecting what room they do have on a undesirable section of road. The vehicle driver placed BOTH groups in what could have very easily been a very messy & deadly situation.
There was a similar situation at Normandy (Hawera / Taranaki) involving a corner, several cyclists & an impatient vehicle driver that resulted in several ppl getting injured & at least 1 or 2 killed (can't how many)
Feb 10, 3:03pm
Q - WHO was in control of the most potentially dangerous vehicle? A - Both parties , the cyclists for causing the car to have to drive around them !
Q - WHO was acting aggressively? A - The driver is a dick for yelling and screaming , He should've taken the footage to the police and reported it . Justice is this country is totally based on the first up best dressed scenario !
Q - WHO (through their own actions) deliberately carried out a maneuver that could have easily killed several people? A - All the cyclists who refused to share the road in a manner considerate of other road users !If they road single file you could pass ( Giving 1.5 m space to the cyclists )
Q _ WHO was arrogant enough to post a video of their own aggression & frustration on YouTube for all to see AND then expect sympathy? A - Who was Frustrated enough to post a video of their own aggression and frustration of putting up with these aholes arrogantly using the road . I have sympathy for him and understand exactly where he is coming from .
Lycra clad racing Cyclists should have to abide by the road rules like all other road users !
Feb 10, 3:05pm
I do believe that the guy driving was an idiot but I do sympathise with his frustration !
Feb 10, 3:30pm
You have no idea, look how narrow that road is, even if they were single file there is no room to pass. Patience and courtesy is required here, something you clearly have none of
Group cycling can be a very enjoyable experience provided you know how to ride in groups. The ???rules??
Feb 10, 3:59pm
This is it !
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