Lights turn red at the intersection of Queen and Custom st Auckland city and the cyclist stops. That good. The cross now signal appears, so he rides off through the crowd, zig zagging his way through them. Not good. Didn't even think to dismount and walk through. I live in Takapuna and would say about 25% of cyclists don't wear helmets. I bugs me when I see this, just when all the school kids are coming out and they get to see these adults breaking the law. And by the way, don't cycle up to me and put your hand on my bonnet to steady yourself. Don't touch my car and I promise I won't touch your bike.
Jun 24, 8:16pm
Get a stick, and whack that arrogant cyclist when he/she (equality for all) leans on your car.
Jun 24, 8:24pm
Only some cyclists lean on your car. I don't. It's not ok and the one that did it to me got abused after not removing himself when asked nicely
Jun 24, 8:30pm
The majority of cyclists - the lycra clad posers, not general pushbike riders - are a bunch of arrogant w@nkers, who should really be paying some form of road user charges, since they are always having cycleways made for them OUT OF OUR PETROL EXCISE TAXES, and general roadusers (trucks, buses, cars, etc) are being squeezed into ever smaller lanes to accommodate them riding two abreast (if we're lucky)
Jun 24, 8:31pm
speed bumps
Jun 24, 8:33pm
'Our' petrol excise taxes? Who says cyclists don't have cars or pay taxes too?
Jun 24, 8:41pm
I remember very clearly the day they made Lake rd Takapuna - Devonport one lane. From that day on, it has been traffic chaos every weekend getting into Devonport. Cyclists have always been able to ride on the road, but to remove car lanes so they have a bit more room was ridiculous. There was never any evidence of them crashing beforehand. Should have left it as it was.
Jun 24, 8:42pm
so by that logic everyone should only pay expenses on one vehicle no matter how many they own or how they travel?
Jun 24, 8:45pm
Maybe cyclists should pay their own acc
Jun 24, 8:45pm
This is misguided logic. It's along the same lines as, "If one man takes 60 seconds to dig a post hole, then it should only take 1 second for 60 men to dig the same hole".
IF cyclists want to use specially built cycleways and lanes, then they have to pay for the cost of constructing them. It's called USER PAYS.
Jun 24, 9:06pm
The tax is paid by THAT vehicle. Its not rocket science. To use that argue ment is exactly the same as saying. "ohh officer I have paid rego -on my other car"
Jun 24, 9:12pm
Fairy nuff. You make a good point there.
I am also under the impression that cycling infrastructure is not paid for through petrol taxes, but funded by local government and council, so if that is true wouldn't it be household rates that pays for that infrastructure?
Jun 24, 9:23pm
It is democratically unfair to non-cyclists to pay for cycleways/lanes etc. Under USER PAYS, cyclists MUST pay for their usage of roads, etc.
This would be simple/
By placing a sales tax on ("10-speed" style) road/race bikes (the most common bike used by those bleating for road space), of say, $500-2000 depending on initial value, this one-time cost would then entitle cyclists to use roads which cars pay for as they drive on them.
Also, an additional cycle club subscription levy of around $100-200 per annum would also help keep the cycleway network maintained.
Cyclists should be only to happy to embrace these costs, as anyone who would examine these user pays costs would instantly see the fairness and transparency in these levies.
Jun 24, 11:10pm
I still think the main issue is with the cyclists who feel they have some inalienable right to use public roads for exercise rather than transport. A classic example of this would be Ridge Rd in Coatsville which is permanently clogged most weekends with mamil's causing huge inconvenience to the locals who actually rely on the road for access.
Jun 24, 11:12pm
Don't advocate VIOLENCE - even for a MINOR traffic violation.
Jun 24, 11:13pm
321mat wrote: It is democratically unfair to non-cyclists to pay for cycleways/lanes etc. Under USER PAYS, cyclists MUST pay for their usage of roads, etc.
Cyclists DO pay through rates.
Jun 24, 11:13pm
Yes, that is right.
Jun 24, 11:16pm
If the cycle lane was removed (and this has been heard at numerous council meetings) it still would NOT be a double lane road. The cycle lane provides a safe place for people to cycle - i.e. to cycle to and from work instead of being another motor vehicle clogging up the road and polluting the air.
Jun 24, 11:19pm
You know NOTHING about the subject. You're wasting your precious energy moving fingers over the keyboard.
Jun 24, 11:58pm
OK, so 10,000 motorists are inconvenienced so that 200 cyclists have a bit more room than before. Bear in mind, these people going to work are often heading over the harbour bridge, so cycling is not an option for them.
Jun 24, 11:59pm
Even if cycleways were paid for by road taxes (again; they aren't), I wouldn't mind paying a small fraction towards proper off-road cycleways that get cyclists off the road and out of the way of vehicles.
Also, taxing cyclists would be a really good look in 2015 wouldn't it. Imagine the global headlines: "New Zealand becomes first country to tax cycling"
Jun 25, 12:33am
Read what I WROTE and the council findings. Where the cycle lane is wouldn't be two lanes so NO motorists are Inconvenienced.
Jun 25, 1:08am
I'm afraid down our end of the country most cyclists are arrogant road hogs. Constantly riding on the white line or slightly in the car lane, and often 3 abreast when in a group. make very little effort to pull over a lot of the time. Of course there are always a few good ones, but the bad outweigh the good. I think some are often arrogant and almost ride in a manner to " taunt" motorised vehicles, its almost like an "us and them" situation. Personally I think they should be banned from main highways, common sense and physics tells us that.
Jun 25, 1:59am
So much anger. over a bicycle. It's no wonder the roads are so full of angry arrogant people. Relax, its a bicycle.
Jun 25, 2:15am
Try driving a truck/trailer past these roosters. You need much of the other side of the road to avoid them, risking a collision with oncoming traffic just because it is their (free) right. We pay and we suffer the consequences if something goes wrong.
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