So, they seem to expect the trucks to slow right down, await a space in oncoming traffic long enough for them to pull onto other side of road, then slowly try and get enough momentum up for the next bike, of which there are dozens on the flats of Marlborough. Here's an idea. Mirrors, pull over when a truck is passing, regain speed when it's passed. The truck is paying to use the road and is working, you're not. Jeez.
Sep 4, 4:06pm
Bugger, thought first post had failed. IGNORE THIS ONE PLEASE.
Sep 4, 8:37pm
Everyone has the right to use the road, however when I was a cyclist I made damn sure I stayed as far left as feasible. This country needs to encourage more walking and cycling as we are turning into fat bast@rds, but most roads are risky for non car drivers.
Sep 5, 8:29pm
I drive a bus every day and my policy is to give bikelists the benefit of the doubt, regardless on whether they are to blame or not. I don't want to kill one of them, or injure one.
Sep 5, 10:06pm
What ever happened to mirrors on cycles? When i was a kid it was the first thing I wanted
Sep 5, 10:10pm
When I ride a bike I'm forever looking over my shoulder behind me and when a truck is coming I get the F*** off the road. As a cyclist I'm never going to win. Yes, I'm moving off into the grass verge all the bloody time but that's what it takes to be safe.
Sep 5, 10:13pm
Good on you and it only takes a few seconds to make sure everyone is safe.
Sep 5, 10:18pm
good on ya, but sad thing is many cyclists abuse that sentiment. eg if you hit me i'll die and you will be at fault, therefore i can do whatever i like.
Sep 5, 10:27pm
Name a cyclist who has said that to you or have you just made that statement up?!
Sep 5, 10:38pm
Check the video in the op, there was a 1.5m buffer zone available, if only the cyclists had moved left, as specified in the road code, they could have had it. Goes, both ways, asking for specific names of individuals is like using a microscope to view the moon. Addressing the culture where people demand others to respect their "rights" while showing complete disrespect themselves. (no matter what type of vehicle they operate)
Sep 5, 10:41pm
in nelson. and we have a dedicated cycle lane on this street. it "won"? an award. for what? i have no clue? but so many d/head cyclists still ride double abreast on the opposit side of the road . taking up the whole lane. which has been halved due to the cycle lane.on the other side of the road. they dont give a damn. I aint got no qualms with cyclists. but hey. you are on a bike. with NO saftey surround. SO its up to YOU to be aware and safe. do not rely on car drivers. please. as most car drivers dont have a clue either. ride single abreast. not double abreast . car drivers are not allowed to. so WHY ? do cycalists think it OK to ride double abreast?
Sep 5, 11:45pm
LOL just look at the way they ride. swerve in front of vehicles, ride out in the center of the road, 5 abreast in 100km aera in middle of S bend, open hostility to other motorists and pedestrians. organized road races on open roads with no support vehicles, signage and most likely no permission. riding on the fog line when there is 2m wide shoulder to ride on. swerve out to overtake without looking to see if someone is overtaking them. deliberately putting themselves in harms way then abusing other motorists for the near miss.
everything they do screams "we do not care about our safety, its your fault".
the other thing is a lot of roads are simply not made with bikes in mind. left of the fog line is often not maintained and can be dangerous even for a car. then your asking for a truck and bike to co-exist in the same spot. it just doesn't work.
Sep 6, 12:06am
the other thing is a lot of roads are simply not made with bikes in mind. left of the fog line is often not maintained and can be dangerous even for a car. then your asking for a truck and bike to co-exist in the same spot. it just doesn't work.[/quote]
It does work for the majority of considerate cyclists and drivers. The problem is the fanatics on both sides of this argument that think the world has to change to suit them. Truck drivers are usually much better than the average car driver at giving cyclists space with the odd exception. Yes I agree the cyclist in the video could have been further but he wasnt in the middle of the lane, he was keeping left and they werent 2 abreast even though they legally could have been. No excuse for the curtainsider to pass at that speed and that close to them. Its simply dangerous incompetence/aggression and if he worked for me I would be giving him a warning. Thankfully my drivers know better.
Sep 6, 1:01am
Wow. You're a real drop kick.
Sep 6, 1:26am
with the roads and amount of traffic around here, those trucks would have run other motorists off the road. maybe the rest of nz where there is no traffic it may not be an issue.
Sep 6, 1:35am
As soon as some of these arrogant lycra wearing idiots realise that our main highways that are primarily intended for cars and trucks aren't appropriate places to carry out their sport and that there are plenty of other quiet minor roads and/or those equipped with dedicated cycle lanes where it is entirely appropriate to do it then everybody will get on JUST FINE. Deliberately exposing themselves to heavy vehicles on narrow sections of highway that simply cannot react quickly will always end badly. If you don't like it go whinge to your local council or NZTA before bleating to the media.
Sep 6, 2:50am
Amen! Stupid idiots shouldn't even be on the main highways.
Sep 6, 3:31am
Run the lycra wearing idiots over and kill them, they dont pay anything for the roads like the rest of us so they deserve it
Sep 6, 3:58am
Oh you are so clever!
As far as cycle use of urban roads go - they probably pay a greater proportion in relation to their use that motorists do.
Sep 6, 4:16am
I have just spent 6 weeks in Alaska and Canada, where the drivers are extremely good, considerate and safety conscious. Like being on another planet after driving and cycling in NZ with drivers with your sicko' attitude.
Sep 6, 4:36am
Agree - even Mexico City! lol
Sep 6, 5:16am
You just made the statement up then.
Sep 6, 5:24am
Good comment.
Sep 6, 5:27am
The thing is, highways are not even fun to ride on. I used to ride 1,000km a week when I was a hot-shot pro racer and I planned my rides to stay on the quietest roads I could because I never enjoyed riding with lots of traffic. I think there is an issue with the militant types who like to ride on the main roads because they can sort of attitude.
Sep 6, 6:22am
Not I, merely replied.
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