You did take the time to actually READ the article didn't you? or are you just after a rise from the cyclist on here? The issue lies squarely with the car drivers NOT the cyclist in this case because this was an organised RACE with clear signposting indicating that's the case. The reaction from the local Police clearly shows the issue. to be clear -normally I would agree with you wholeheartedly
Sep 20, 10:40am
There may be an element of pisstaking. But I feel my point is still valid
Sep 20, 10:56am
Own goal Henderson guy as that article clearly identifies the ones doing the dangerous driving as the motorists Cyclists doing legitimate organised events with an approved traffic management plan may ride in bunches
Sep 20, 11:01am
I never stated the motorists werent driving dangerously, however riding legally or not, you cannot say the cyclists were riding in a considerate manner.
Sep 20, 11:09am
Frankly it's the lead cars in those queues that are at fault, for consistently failing to overtake the cyclist group when possible, and allowing a long queue to form behind them. You know the types, who will sit behind an easily over-takable obstacle, making it all but impossible for other drivers who then are faced with the choice of having to overtake not just one but two, three, four. at once.
Sep 20, 11:13am
Im my opinion they should not be allowed to hold these cycle races on busy State Highways, why cant they be out on quiet rural back roads instead of on a main highways between towns? To be clear, I dont have a problem with them doing it, but some of these races are held on really busy roads. Everything elce causing disruptions, from wide loads to roadworks is heavily regulated to avoid disruptions to the general public, and those things cant be avoided, they are not out for a pleasure ride. I await your abuse.
Sep 20, 11:15am
I've followed groups like this in the past that have tail car behind them with hazards flashing. All it does is present a bigger roadblock, and since it's invariably a SUV, it makes it more difficult to look ahead for passing opportunities.
Sep 20, 11:17am
Mate, I've regularly been stuck behind groups like this on the heavy haul atiamuri bypass route. Surely you remember the hoohaa when one of them got in the path of a truck on that road.
Sep 20, 11:28am
I didnt hear about that. I know the regular events around Taupo are a pain in the fuknrse. Edit: hang on maybe I did hear about it . was that the lady who was killed a few years ago now. ?
Sep 20, 11:34am
That's the one, there was a documentary about it heavily in favour of the cyclists. Cops didn't see it that way
Sep 20, 12:14pm
I'm with Trump on this one, . just fake news to bugger you around, just seems to come and go in regular cycles
Sep 20, 12:22pm
My thoughts exactly. Somehow cyclists have become part of the PC "untouchable" list where they can do no wrong and can't be questioned. Not to mention they pay no road tax but are a huge drain in terms of acc and cost millions in special cycle lanes etc that are seldom used. Came accross a new one in Tauranga recently that makes a busy intersection even more difficult.
Sep 20, 12:52pm
And once again Jazzman spouts emotional garbage . let's deal in some facts Jazz
FACT ONE. . 64 % of on road crashes involving cyclists have ZER0 blame attributed to cyclists .
So cut the emotional bullshite jazz and start dealing in facts
Sep 20, 1:03pm
Rugby clubs pay big ACC fee's so I am not so concerned about them. Also this is a logical fallacy. pretty sure it's called relative privation.
Also, knowing who caused the crash is the booby prize in my opinion. Doesn't help you from your hospital bed (or coffin) being able to blame someone else. Bicycles have zero crash protection, whoever makes the mistake the cyclist loses.
If you want any further responses from me beyond this, you will need to learn some manners.
Sep 20, 1:31pm
The cylclists who ride dual purpose bikes with larger tires dont seem to have any trouble riding down the hard shoulder of the road. The ones who are riding full blown track racing bikes with skinny light weight tires cant really ride there because of the stones and trash ect. To me it seems logical if you are going to ride on the road with all the traffic you would use a bike that is fit for the purpose, if you ride down the road lane holding up traffic when there is a hard shoulder to use, where you wont have to much impact on traffic flow, people get agro. Yea you may have a *right* to be there, but one day someone will be tailgating a larger vehicle and they wont see you until. You may be in the right but. dead is dead, logic should prevail. but
Sep 20, 2:21pm
Back the buzz up jazz man . In post 13 you state that cyclists are a huge drain in terms of ACC . When I point out 64% of on road crashes have ZERO blame on the cyclists you suddenly wander off on another tangent .
Sep 20, 3:02pm
Unless there was an actual gazetted road closure none of the above absolves cyclists of adherence to the road rules.
Sep 20, 3:08pm
Incorrect , here's the relavant clause from the road code
Three or more people cycling next to each other is illegal, except in the case of a road race that has been given traffic management approval from a road controlling authority.
Sep 21, 4:07am
hang on a minute. There are Four cycle specific events held in and around taupo every year. in every case bar one the roads are closed for only up to half a day and it is only central city roads that are closed. The other event yes the roads are closed all day but that is NOT due to cyclists but is because the main street becomes a running track up till midnight. On all other roads other that a very short section of the city racers must obey all normal road rules. I notice you don't comment about the "show and shine" events that actually at times STOP traffic. Also what you see as a pain local companies see as a godsend. The round Taupo cycle challenge brings in 1500-2500 people to Taupo. The ironman NZ event has over 2000 entrants.-but every entrant almost always has a support crew so ironman brings into Taupo over 6000 people using beds eating food going to local attractions -basicly contributing to the local economy.
Sep 21, 4:26am
Actually talking on this subject with a bunch of triathletes someone made a really cool/valid point. Lets say theres a group of 20 bikes 2 senarios. Car approaches the group They are honking along at a good clip--35-50km/h rear rider does the right thing and within a couple of seconds the whole group knows a car is coming up so the riders go to single file drafting. That is 20 x 3 meters= 60m the car has to pass. On a narrower road the driver has to cross the centre line and get past 60m of bikes. Now alternative solution The riders "become a car" -3 abreast -suddenly 60m is 20m or 4 car lenths. the car still has to cross the centre line but for a lot less distance. -keeping in mind it isn;'t the same as having to creep past aunt daisy doing 80 in a 100 zone. You are passing bikes doing usually at most 50km/h -so you are up around and past pretty fast without having to speed.
Sep 21, 5:25am
Good point Kaz but as is evident in these threads the anti cyclist brigade don't deal in logic and common sense . They just get there Y fronts in a tangle over a non event .
Sep 21, 5:51am
To me, logic and common sense would be not to hold these "legal" events on really busy highways, and if cyclists in general rode hard on the left shoulder on a bike that can handle doing so, if that logic make me an anti cylcist than go ahead and tar me with that brush, I am a truckie after all and we all know these 2 groups will never see eye to eye. Oh and yes. I did ALOT of mountain biking when I was a teenager, in the Ruahine ranges, and I rode on the road to get there and home again. on the shoulder of course, not in the vehicle lane where I would be putting myself at risk and fuking every one off. that would be stupid.
Sep 21, 6:12am
Somthing bugs me about the picture in the link. WHY didnt the group of cyclist slow down at the start of the straight when they came around the right hand corner and wave the bus past? Hard to make a judgement without the full picture, but some courtesy on their part toward heavy vehicles would help. Prehaps its reasons like this, why the 2 groups dont see eye to eye
Sep 21, 6:18am
Most of the time the traffic management is a farce, and you know it.
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